Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My honourable colleague is correct, there has been considerable discussion on the transfer of occupational health and safety. If you will allow me, I think it's very important to clarify, not only for the Members but for the public at large, a bit of history on this issue, and I do appreciate the question. Both Mr. Antoine and myself met with the Operations committee and tried to explain this issue in detail. We pointed out at the time that this issue is not a new issue. In fact, I did some more research after the Government Operations committee meeting, and I found out that the transfer of occupational health and safety to WCB has been around for over 10 years, since 1986. The government presented a paper on the review of the WCB by Ms. Letha McLaughlan, who is now the chairperson of the EARP panel, and raised the potential of that option of transferring it in 1986.
In 1991-92, the Standing Committee on Finance recommended -- in recommendation number 62 -- that the government expedite the transfer of the occupational health and safety to the Workers' Compensation Board in the interest of workers and employers.