This is page numbers 1105 - 1142 of the Hansard for the 14th Assembly, 6th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was justice.


Further Return To Question 346-14(6): Dental Services At H.h. Williams Memorial Hospital In Hay River
Question 346-14(6): Dental Services At H.h. Williams Memorial Hospital In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1117

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Minister. Item 6, oral questions. The honourable Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, Mr. Roland.

Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1117

Floyd Roland

Floyd Roland Inuvik Boot Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, following my Member's statement in the area of government's purchasing programs, it has been for some time now that the government has started to use central purchasing as a way of reducing some of its cost, namely in the area of the technology services centre, as a way of pooling its resources from all departments. Mr. Speaker, something we have to consider is what are we doing to our small business throughout the Northwest Territories. Referencing the contract earlier, for example, that just closed recently, September 23rd, for purchases of 112 computers, 45 of which were supposed to be delivered to Inuvik. The contractors in the small communities are disadvantaged, number one, for cost of transportation on some of the goods, but it's always more difficult to compete against a larger company that has a higher volume. That's one of the benefits of being in the capital. You are on the doorstep of government and can win a lot of their contracts. I would like to know from the Department of Public Works and Services, is there intention to break up any of these computer contracts so that smaller businesses can have a chance to bid and win? Thank you.

Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1117

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Roland. The honourable Minister of Public Works and Services, Mr. Steen.

Return To Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1117

Vince Steen

Vince Steen Nunakput

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The department is well aware of the concerns raised by the Member and raised by the business sector as well. However, Public Works did take the issue to the Senior Management Preference Committee with regard to how to award the BIP preference in relation to where the computers were going. In the first instance in March, all computers were going to Yellowknife, so Yellowknife had the BIP preference and they did win the contracts. In the second incident recently, there were two contracts awarded to Yellowknife again because the majority of the computers were going to Yellowknife. So Yellowknife bidders were given, again, BIP preference. Public Works and Services was advised by the Senior Management Preference Committee to prorate the BIP preference based on the number of computers gong to different regions. Like the Member stated, Mr. Speaker, those communities, like Yellowknife, that had most of the computers obviously got the benefit of the BIP as well. So they were the ones the contracts were awarded to. Public Works advised that as an example in the last purchase of computers, there was a savings of $55,000. That indicates to us that we should continue with large purchases rather than breaking the requirements down into smaller tenders.

Return To Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1117

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Minister. Supplementary, Mr. Roland.

Supplementary To Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1117

Floyd Roland

Floyd Roland Inuvik Boot Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Minister has given some information that, in fact, four large tenders that have gone out have been won by companies in the capital. This prorating BIP just confuses the issue more, I believe. Wouldn't it be better if we actually broke it down? For the last tender of 112, 45 were scheduled for Inuvik, 55 for Yellowknife and I believe five for Fort Simpson is the information I was provided. Mr. Speaker, the government may have saved $55,000 on this one tender, but if smaller businesses throughout the Territories cannot start winning some of these bids, then they are going to have to start letting employees go. Where do employees go? Either to the unemployment office or the income support office and then the government will have to pick up the tab there. So what benefit are we deriving for the NWT as a whole? Would the government consider breaking down these tenders, so at least the regionally-based companies can afford to bid these things?

Supplementary To Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Roland. The honourable Minister of Public Works and Services, Mr. Steen.

Further Return To Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

Vince Steen

Vince Steen Nunakput

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I can commit to the Member that I will take this back to the department and we will review our purchasing programs.

Further Return To Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Minister. Supplementary, Mr. Roland.

Supplementary To Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

Floyd Roland

Floyd Roland Inuvik Boot Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. While the Minister is doing that, knowing that the window of this government is quickly running out, I would like to know if he can provide information to the Members of this House with regard to the computer purchases this last fiscal year and how many have been awarded to companies outside of Yellowknife. Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Roland. The honourable Minister of Public Works and Services, Mr. Steen.

Further Return To Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

Vince Steen

Vince Steen Nunakput

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, I will commit to supplying that information to the Members through the House.

Further Return To Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Question 347-14(6): Consolidating Contracts For Computers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Minister. Item 6, oral questions. The honourable Member for Hay River North, Mr. Delorey.

Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

Paul Delorey

Paul Delorey Hay River North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister of Justice, the Honourable Roger Allen. Mr. Speaker, I stated in my Member's statement, Hay River is currently without a resident judge as a result of the retirement of Chief Judge Robert Halifax. I believe that it is imperative that a resident judge be placed in Hay River. Bringing in a judge from Yellowknife on occasion is not a solution that allows for continuity or relationship building with the public that the judge services south of the lake. In addition, a lot of errors can be made by a non-resident judge as they do not know the background of the accused nor their families. Lastly, it is not financially efficient to import a judge. Would the Minister please advise this House as to what measures his department is currently making to recruit a resident judge for Hay River or to replace Chief Judge Robert Halifax? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Delorey. The honourable Minister of Justice, Mr. Allen.

Return To Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

Roger Allen

Roger Allen Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am going to use some scripted notes today, but before I do that, I would also like to acknowledge the contribution that Judge Halifax made as a territorial court judge, then chief judge. To answer the question, to appoint a new judge, the commission will begin to review the compensation and benefits for all territorial judges. In the interim, the search for a new judge will continue, but no decision will be made until a full salary and benefits package will be known. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Return To Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Minister. Supplementary, Mr. Delorey.

Supplementary To Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

September 30th, 2003

Page 1118

Paul Delorey

Paul Delorey Hay River North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker I think I heard the Minister refer to a committee that will be reviewing and assessing applications for replacement of a judge. Could the Minister tell me if there is any representation on that committee from the South Slave? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Supplementary To Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Delorey. The honourable Minister of Justice, Mr. Allen.

Further Return To Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

Roger Allen

Roger Allen Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I do not have the names of the commissioned members but the important point I'd like to convey to the Member is that there will be two factors in trying to influence a decision and that would be to locate the judge. Number one is the requirement of the workload and also of the circuits. Also, we need to consult with the newly appointed chief judge and his colleagues, so certainly those are two of the factors in addition to the remuneration work that's being continued in contingent to the appointed judge. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Minister. Supplementary, Mr. Delorey.

Supplementary To Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

Paul Delorey

Paul Delorey Hay River North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, is the Minister aware of any review that was ever done or a study done in the efficiencies of having a resident judge located in Hay River? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Supplementary To Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Delorey. The honourable Minister of Justice, Mr. Allen.

Further Return To Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

Roger Allen

Roger Allen Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. No, I am not aware as per se, but I know through my consultation with the judiciary and also the departmental officials that there is continued discussion on the best way to address this key question and, as I stated earlier, that a number of factors need to be taken into consideration prior to making any firm decision. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Question 348-14(6): Resident Territorial Court Judge Required In Hay River
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1118

The Speaker

The Speaker Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Minister. Your final supplementary, Mr. Delorey.