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In the Legislative Assembly


Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was public.
Historical Information Jackson Lafferty is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly June 2021, as MLA for Monfwi

Won his last election, in 2019, by acclaimation.

Statements in the House

Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters February 10th, 2021

Masi, Madam Chair. There has been an increase in the area of revitalization and language devolvement. What are the plans? Are we really going to stick to four, or are we going to increase these immersion programs into the communities that badly need it? Especially the outlying, remote communities. Masi.

Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters February 10th, 2021

Masi, Madam Chair. Just a couple of questions. First is the language immersion programs. I imagine it falls under either Indigenous languages and education or minority language education and instruction; I'm not sure which one it falls under. We have 49 schools across the Northwest Territories. How many of those schools are delivering, currently, the language immersion program? Masi.

Question 534-19(2): Tourism February 10th, 2021

Masi, Mr. Speaker. The reason that I'm raising this issue now, we have to start planning, like today, before November opening of the celebration of the all-season road. I will be following up with the department again and with my leadership, as well. Mr. Speaker, my next question is the monitoring mechanism. As you know, there will be an influx of people from all walks of life going through the community of Whati. I would like to ask the Minister: the real work starts when the all-season road is completed. Monitors will be needed to engage impacts. Additional police will be required to patrol the road. Staff will be needed to issue fishing licences, and also park permits. Mr. Speaker, can the Minister explain how the department's preparing for those challenges? Masi, Mr. Speaker.

Question 534-19(2): Tourism February 10th, 2021

Thanks again to the Minister for providing the latest update in engaging the community on the proposal as has been submitted. There is just one proposal. I am sure there will be others. I want to refer to parks along the road from Highway 3, all the way to Whati, and in the community of Whati, as well. What consideration has the Minister's department given to a devolvement of new parks within the Whati region in response to tourism opportunities that will arrive with a new all-season road? How has the department engaged with Whati under the devolvement of new parks in the region?

Question 534-19(2): Tourism February 10th, 2021

It is great that the Minister is following up on pros and cons of the Tuktoyaktuk Highway, the best practices, so we don't encounter similar challenges on the all-weather road. The next question I have: if this new all-weather road sparks community-based tourism in Whati, that tourism will belong to the people of Whati, not the territorial government. How is the Minister engaging with Whati to ensure that Whati is in the driver's seat and that tourism is respectful of Whati's value, tradition, and also their interests?

Question 534-19(2): Tourism February 10th, 2021

Masi, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] Today, about the all-season road to Whati. How is the government getting along? I have questions for the Minister of ITI. [End of translation] [Microphone turned off] ...celebration in November, the grand opening of the all-weather road. I would just like to know from the department of tourism the preparation for that road. The first question I have for the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment is: what can the Minister tell this Assembly about the danger of embracing community-based tourism without adequate planning and preparation by the government and by community members and also community entrepreneurs? Masi, Mr. Speaker.

Whati All-Season Road February 10th, 2021

[Translation] Masi, Mr. Speaker. Today, about the all-season road to Whati, there will be an opening of that all-season road, so when we take a look at it, that would be Highway No. 9, there will be a celebration. Today, is the government on both sides will be working together? What I'm trying to say is: having businesses along that new highway, because we know that would benefit the people on both sides, as would be having camps or a park. [End of translation]

This is an important milestone for the people of Whati. This month, we celebrate the completion of the long-awaited Whati all-season road. This is a great accomplishment for the Tlicho people; the Tlicho, the territorial governments, and the community of Whati. The road will certainly lower the cost of food in Whati. It will unite families. It will make doctors' visits easier and improve access on the land. It also raises the possibility of new industry for Whati, one that can create jobs, one that will better people's lives. I am referring to community-based tourism, an industry that plays perfectly to the talents and skills of our Indigenous people, the Tlicho people.

Mr. Speaker, the natural beauty and wildlife of the riches of the Whati region guarantees that visitors will certainly be visiting the community of Whati. Whether tourism contributes to the greater good of the people of Whati depends on the territorial government. At the appropriate time, I will ask questions to the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment. Masi.

Committee Motion 75-19(2): Tabled Document 286-19(2): Main Estimates 2021-2022 - Finance - Deferral of Department (page 137), Carried February 9th, 2021

Masi, Madam Chair. I just had to reiterate that when we're here asking questions to the Ministers and the department, we're carrying a message forward from our constituents. It's their voice, and this is what we're hearing throughout the Northwest Territories. I appreciate that Ministers are bringing forward potentially three, and obviously, eventually, we should be capturing all 13 communities. It is very important literacy, reading and writing. The deputy will be supportive of that, too. Teachers, we need to be supporting these teachers. More of a comment, but I just want to appreciate the Minister dedicating potentially three more sites to be initiated. Thank you for that. Masi.

Committee Motion 75-19(2): Tabled Document 286-19(2): Main Estimates 2021-2022 - Finance - Deferral of Department (page 137), Carried February 9th, 2021

Madam Chair, I'm not going to talk on the translation area, but I am interested in the library services into the communities. Public library services $1.9 million. I understand through the briefings that we've received, there's 21 public libraries in the NWT and 13 communities without public libraries. Fifteen of these are located in schools, and five are located in other buildings and one in a band office. What are we doing with the 13 without libraries, public libraries? Kids have to read, especially during COVID pandemic. They're staying home most of the time, and we have to have these students learning every day. If they don't have a public library, where do they turn to, Madam Chair? Masi.

Committee Motion 75-19(2): Tabled Document 286-19(2): Main Estimates 2021-2022 - Finance - Deferral of Department (page 137), Carried February 9th, 2021

Masi, Madam Chair. The Minister has made some moves within the department, within the year. One of them, obviously, that we have been striving toward for quite some time is a partnership with Indigenous governments on their revitalization, the MAP program, which is great. I am optimistic that this Minister will change that number next year. If we are here next year, I am hoping that we have a different line here, different numbers. Obviously, I would like to see some decrease in headquarters and a regional increase, of course. I am glad the Minister is recognizing that.

Madam Chair, just to move on to the language. The Minister and also the deputy alluded to 33 interpreters who are coming in March, the translators and interpreters, to find out what they would require while they are being trained in certain programs. One of the areas that we touched on earlier today is the report that referred to a point of privilege raised by myself in the House. It's public information, now, and there has been a lot of recommendations with that, that came out of it.

One of the discussions that happened was the mentioning of the Language Bureau. We had Mary Rose Sundberg here, the interpreter, who also was a witness to that and made a statement that the Language Bureau should be brought back. Those are experts who are telling this department that we need this back. What else can we say or who can we hear from? We are hearing from the experts themselves, asking for the Language Bureau or a similar type to be brought back, to train those interpreters and translators through Aurora College, where it was once very successful. You have heard from an expert here. There has been other witness, as well; they mentioned the names. I can't remember the other names, but I recognized Mary Rose Sundberg right away. I would like to see more of a Language Bureau discussion. Madam Chair, we have had some increase in Indigenous language revitalization, $200,000; another $6,000 increase, also, into the language area; and $600,000 towards the Indigenous Language Education Secretariat, towards the implementation of Indigenous languages revitalization initiative.

That's a lot of words. Anyways, it's great that there is an increase in there, but there is nothing specific to training for interpretation and translation. You have to keep in mind that it's totally different from revitalization or the MAP program. It's not the same. I am involved in the MAP program. I know exactly what I'm talking about, and Mary Rose can tell you the same thing and also the other translators who are here today. We are in a desperate need for interpreter language training, and I'd like to know from the Minister, I know it's not part of our budget here today, but as we move forward next year, we are going to be here again. I know there is going to be a discussion in March with 33 experts. We already heard from one of them, or a couple of them, anyways. I would like to see an increase or a particular funding towards a training program for interpreter and translation training in next year's budget. Is that doable? Madam Chair, masi.