
In the Legislative Assembly


Historical Information James Arvaluk is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly February 1995, as MLA for Aivilik

Won his last election, in 1991, with 35% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Committee Motion 31-12(6): Reprofiling The Renovation To The Coral Harbour Community Learning Centre, Carried October 19th, 1994

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I move that this committee recommends that the Department of Education, Culture and Employment reprofile the 1995-96 capital project entitled, "Renovate Community Learning Centre, Coral Harbour," so as to respect the agreement reached at the joint meeting in May of 1993, between senior officials of the Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Keewatin Campus of Arctic College, Department of Public Works, Keewatin Divisional Board of Education, the chair and the members of the Coral Harbour Education Council, that the new community learning centre for Coral Harbour will be a "stand-alone" facility, not attached to the east wing of Sakku School. Thank you.

Committee Motion 30-12(6): To Advance Community Learning Centre In Fort Providence To Fiscal Year 1995-96, Carried October 19th, 1994

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have a concern with respect to the budget that I knew was a prior year cost but nothing as yet has been done on that. Either it's a lapse or they are getting quotes on it right now, but I don't believe that changing the rug and painting the walls is $220,000, so it cannot be that one. In that case, it's not been done yet.

Mr. Chairman, I had an understanding from my conversations with the community education council on the Arctic College in Coral Harbour, regarding the community learning centres, that there was a deal or an agreement -- a gentlemen's agreement -- struck between the senior officials of different departments. I believe that Mr. Kaulbach from DPW was there; Eric Colbourne, assistant deputy minister of Education; Fraser Hope, director of Keewatin divisional board; Sandy Kusugak, as vice-chairman of Keewatin; the chairman and the whole CEC board council of Coral Harbour, met in May and made an agreement that there would be -- according to the letter from the chairman of the CEC -- a stand-alone school, or Arctic College, built.

But seeing that there is renovation for the community learning centre in Coral Harbour, it's a change without any noticeable adjustment from the regional agreement that the senior officials had with the CEC and the Arctic College.

So what I'm concerned about mostly is why the agreement or some kind of arrangement with those senior officials of the CEC and Arctic College have not been honoured; why there's a change without CEC knowing that this has now been changed to the old school east wing with a renovation rather than constructing a stand-alone learning centre as originally planned. With that, Mr. Chairman, I want to make a motion. I seek support of my colleagues, in support of that regional agreement that was made between CEC and officials of the departments, different departments, in fact. Qujannamiik.

Committee Motion 29-12(6): To Adopt Recommendation 3, Carried October 19th, 1994

I usually remember stuff like that, especially coming from Coral Harbour. I haven't received anything, so can you ensure that I get one? Thank you.

Committee Motion 29-12(6): To Adopt Recommendation 3, Carried October 19th, 1994

Thank you. No, it doesn't. I think the best approach will then be that the letter is addressed to the Honourable Richard Nerysoo, and I just have a carbon copy of it along with the director of Arctic College and the principal of the school. I would then ask the Minister if he will be responding to the CEC explaining by responding to this letter.

Committee Motion 29-12(6): To Adopt Recommendation 3, Carried October 19th, 1994

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. When is this transfer or agreement to have this become an Arctic College wing going to come about? I was never informed. CEC was never informed. I got a letter from the community education council chairman asking how this ever happened that it now belongs to Arctic College. There are several government letters and statements respecting the east wing belonging to Arctic College, but there was never really an arrangement made with the community education council to do that. I guess my question would be when did that happen and in what form did it take place to officially declare it as an Arctic College wing?

Committee Motion 29-12(6): To Adopt Recommendation 3, Carried October 19th, 1994

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Not on any particular pages, but the community education council in Coral Harbour has made an official arrangement with the Arctic College to house the Arctic College in the wing of the school. There was an understanding that when the space was not needed by the school, the CEC were in favour of it being used by any group or organization that would benefit Coral Harbour. For example, Arctic College. But now, that area is needed for school use, even after the renovations were done. For example, there is no space for distance education, day care, study room, meeting room, cultural inclusion, teaching area, because there is a proposal in the budget that the east wing will be reverted to Arctic College.

When it comes to detail in the definitive objectives and also the proposal for renovation on the details of capital, then I will be asking these things, but I would like to have clarification right now. Is this being officially considered now as an Arctic College wing without any discussion between the CEC and the Department of Education or the division board on Arctic College?

Committee Motion 29-12(6): To Adopt Recommendation 3, Carried October 19th, 1994

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'm not sure if this is a general comment or a detailed question. The reason that I'm making it under general comments is that I'm trying to compare different pages at the same time.

A few questions, Mr. Chairman. Under definitive objectives, it says to finish construction of community learning centres; in Coral Harbour, for example, the fourth line. On the detail side, for Keewatin, community learning centre in Coral Harbour, $20,000. I'm a little bit confused.

Question 182-12(6): Accounting Of Funds Provided For Official Languages October 18th, 1994

Supplementary, Madam Speaker. My apologies that I wasn't at the briefing yesterday. I would like to know what further action the Government of the Northwest Territories is considering to keep the language services at the same level.

Question 182-12(6): Accounting Of Funds Provided For Official Languages October 18th, 1994

Madam Speaker, I suppose I would then direct the question to the same Minister who responded. What I am confused about is, if this accounting took place like the Minister said, wouldn't the federal government have already been aware that some funds were lapsed?

Question 182-12(6): Accounting Of Funds Provided For Official Languages October 18th, 1994

Thank you, Madam Speaker. From my earlier Member's statement, I would like to ask the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment a question. If, as the Minister says, the federal government used the official Languages Commissioner's report to argue for cuts, what was happening to the annual accounting of languages money that was supposed to be submitted to the federal government?