
In the Legislative Assembly


Historical Information James Rabesca is no longer a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Last in the Legislative Assembly December 1999, as MLA for North Slave

Lost his last election, in 1999, with 7% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Member's Statement 112-13(7): Recognition Of Two Outstanding Constituents April 20th, 1999

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I raise to recognize two very important residents of my region. Both Doreen Nitsiza of Wha Ti and Eddie Weyallon of Rae-Edzo are volunteer workers in their communities. Over the years both have worked very hard helping their communities to become a better place to live and raise a family. Over the years Doreen has volunteered her time and energy coaching and raising money for the volleyball team and has served with the Wha Ti Sport and Culture Association for many years. Eddie Weyallon has committed his time volunteering for the past 30 years, and has served under seven different chiefs as the Rae Band's head boss for organizing events and a role model for the younger generations.

Voluntarism is a very important part of all communities. If it were not for volunteers, most if not all carnivals, dances, bingos, community radio channels, community feasts and the list continues, would never take place. We need these generous people and I thought today I would recognize two of these very important members of our community and thank them for their hard work and dedication. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Item 20: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters April 19th, 1999

Mr. Chairman. Staff Housing. During the review of both the business plans and the draft Main Estimates, committee Members expressed concern about the diminishing supply of government staff housing. Many transient and essential professionals require temporary and affordable housing. The unavailability of staff housing may be a deterrent to the recruitment and retention of essential personnel.

The committee and the department agree that the absence or limited availability of staff housing is not the only difficulty in the recruitment and retention of teachers and medical staff. Two other major factors include competing compensation packages in other jurisdictions and the current shortage of teachers and nurses nationwide.

The department provided the committee with an inventory of existing staff housing, including the location of each unit, its condition and occupancy status, as well as a timeline for their renovation, removal or sale. The department noted in the inventory report that there are 100 staff housing units remaining in the Western Territory, and a portion will be transferred to their respective communities.

However, during the draft Main Estimates review, the committee was informed by the Minister that although the ownership of some staff housing has been transferred to their respective communities, the government remains responsible for their operations and maintenance costs. As a result, committee Members asked the Minister to provide summaries outlining the government's operations and maintenance costs for existing staff housing and the government's portion of the operations and maintenance costs for transferred staff housing.

Human Resource Management. Committee Members noted during the business plan review that there should be a coordinated and centralized human resource management initiative to ensure the cost-effective and accurate accounting and allocation of existing and projected positions.

The committee requested and received a personnel summary report describing each government position, its description, location, and whether it is filled or vacant, as well as comprehensive information about the People Soft Program that is currently being adopted for more effective human resource management within government. That is the report of the Financial Management Secretariat Board. Thank you.

Member's Statement 104-13(7): Recognition Of Dan Marion As Commissioner Of The Nwt April 19th, 1999

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this morning we witnessed the swearing in of the new Commissioner of the Northwest Territories. This is a proud moment for my region and all of our NWT residents. Over the years Mr. Marion has been there to help. If anyone needs a helping hand Mr. Marion is there. This is how Mr. Marion lives and works. He is a strong and personable man that will make the NWT proud to have him as our Commissioner.

During his speech Mr. Marion mentioned how the different groups across the Northwest Territories must now see through our differences and concentrate on building a new territory, that is truly representative of all our people. This is something that I believe in and I am sure that the rest of my colleagues are also in agreement. I hope that we as a whole Legislative Assembly can work together to achieve this goal. This goal will take time, however; we must strive to achieve this, as it is our future generations that will depend on us to make this goal a reality. In closing I would like again to congratulate Dan Marion on his appointment as Commissioner. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Member's Statement 98-13(7): Benefits Of Rae-edzo Internet Service April 18th, 1999

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today, Mr. Speaker, I would like to give some good news and to show my colleagues

what can happen with a little cooperation. Over the past two years, Migwi Business Services has been working hard to set up Internet services in Rae-Edzo. Today, Mr. Speaker, I am happy to announce that since April 5, 1999, Migwi Business Services has been offering Internet services within Rae-Edzo. During this same time frame, Migwi Business Services and the Rae-Edzo Friendship Centre have been working together to set up an Internet resource lab and computer training centre where residents of Rae-Edzo have access to computers either for training purposes, entertainment or keeping in touch with loved ones at BHP or elsewhere.

It is these two organizations that will provide training in many areas, including general operation of the computers, software and Internet training, web page design, as well as distant learning courses. Since January, these two companies have been training three local Rae-Edzo residents as trainee technicians. They basically took three residents with no computer background at all or very little, and over the past three months have brought them to a level of knowledge that they can easily repair and rebuild a computer and provide limited networking solutions. These three residents are very interested in continuing a career in computers and are looking at furthering their education to achieve this. As you can see, Mr. Speaker, Rae-Edzo is finally into the 20th century and with a little cooperation between these two organizations residents have more opportunity than ever before to expand their horizons. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Member's Statement 91-13(7): Consultation On The Road To Resources April 12th, 1999

Why is it that the Department of Transportation is working behind closed doors and to really keep the best and most logical route out of the picture? On a lighter note, it is my understanding that the mayors of Rae-Edzo and Yellowknife are working together to set up a meeting which will include both municipal councils, both band councils, my four colleagues of Yellowknife and myself. I would also like to invite the Minister of Transportation to this meeting. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Member's Statement 91-13(7): Consultation On The Road To Resources April 12th, 1999

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today, Mr. Speaker, I was going to give this Assembly some good news, however, recently something has come to my attention that cannot be ignored.

First, Mr. Speaker, I would like to welcome my colleagues back to the chamber and I hope everyone was able to get a little rest.

Now, Mr. Speaker, I would like to take you back a couple years in time to when we first heard discussions about a working committee being formed to look at routes for the Road to Resources. This committee was set up and discussions started to take place. During discussions at the committee level, it was noted by constituents of mine that Rae-Edzo was not even considered as a possible route. Committee meetings and some public consultation with very little consultation being done in Rae-Edzo were held over the past two years.

This past fall a little more interest seemed to take place and since December, 1998, the mayor and chief of Rae-Edzo have been gathering support for a route to start in Rae-Edzo. This route by the way, does have support within the Dogrib region, in Yellowknife, Hay River and across Canada, as the most logical route to take for the western Arctic.

Now during this time frame we have our new Premier, and I support him fully telling us it is time to work together and work as one united body. Again, I support him completely. I just want to make sure this is recorded completely.

Recently the committee released copies of the summary of the report which route would be the best to take. At that time the mayor of Yellowknife released a press release saying was it really a surprise as to the results. Now, I would like to move ahead to yesterday morning at 8:00, here in the capital city, a meeting was held between the City of Yellowknife's Road to Resources Committee, the Department of Transportation and my four colleagues from Yellowknife. My understanding is that the topic of discussion was the summary of the report. Also, at noon of yesterday a meeting was held between the City Council, Department of Transportation and the Road to Resources Committee. Again, I would say the topic is the route for this road.

I would now like to point out that we have not been informed of any meetings regarding the Road to Resources. I wonder why? The Premier wants everyone to work together. My region has stated over and over that we want to work together. Why is it that the Department of Transportation...thank you, Mr. Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

Member's Statement 86-13(7): Congratulations To Cabinet Members-elect And New Commissioner March 28th, 1999

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I would like to start my Member's statement by congratulating Mr. Steen and Mr. Miltenberger in their victory for a Cabinet position. I am positive they will represent our government in a fair and equitable manner for the government of the entire Western Territory.

I am also pleased to congratulate Dan Marion for his recent appointment to the Office of Commissioner of the Northwest Territories. Mr. Marion brings many years of experience and knowledge of the north to this position. Over the years that I have known Mr. Marion he is always there for the community. Mr. Marion has served as mayor, as hamlet councillor, community service board member, and many other organizations within the community, as well as throughout the Western Territory. He is a man of compassion, a family man that works hard for his family and community. I feel that he will make our new territory proud. Once again, congratulations to Mr. Steen, Mr. Miltenberger and Mr. Marion. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Question 48-13(7): Highway 3 Reconstruction March 25th, 1999

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to ask a question to the Honourable Mr. Roland, Minister of the Department of Transportation, regarding the reconstruction of highway 3 between here and Rae. I understand that the contract has been awarded some time ago and then the communities are quite anxious to see the reconstruction start as soon as possible since the road seems to be deteriorating. I was wondering if the Minister would give us some idea or an indication as to whereabouts the reconstruction, when the reconstruction is going to take place. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Member's Statement 73-13(7): Applauding The Efforts Of Local Rcmp March 25th, 1999

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today, Mr. Speaker, I would like to talk briefly about the change in attitude in dealing with the RCMP. I would like to give Members an example of how the relationship is changing between the community and the RCMP. Over the holiday season in December of 1998, the RCMP and the chief and mayor got together to see how we could limit the amount of alcohol coming into Rae-Edzo, for the purpose of bootlegging. It was decided that the RCMP would have checkstops set up and would stop all vehicles. This one step alone on New Year's Eve prevented approximately $5,000 worth of alcohol from entering the community.

The local RCMP are getting out into the communities more and encouraging residents to call if they know of people bringing in large quantities of alcohol. This again is having a positive affect by reducing the amount of alcohol coming into the communities. These two initiatives are having a very positive impact on the community. Less alcohol in the community means more residents are looking after their families and realizing the need for alcohol is not the best thing.

In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to applaud the efforts the local RCMP are doing to make my home community a better and safer place to live for our children and families. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Member's Statement 61-13(7): Reflections On The 13th Assembly March 24th, 1999

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today, Mr. Speaker, is one of the last days that my colleagues from the east will be sitting in the House. I thought it would be fitting to reflect on the past three years. When we first arrived here back in November of 1995, many of us had very little experience dealing with this level of government. Our constituents elected us for many reasons, but the bottom line was that they trusted us to represent them in the chamber. We have come a long way from when we started. We had a huge deficit and many issues to deal with regarding division. I would like to say when we have taken on all of these issues we have succeeded. Now April 1st is looming in the next few days and we will no longer have our eastern friends with us. They will now have fun and lots of hard work ahead of them to create their new territory. I wish them well in all their endeavours in the near future.

As for us in the west, we still have many very important issues to deal with and I feel that if we work in a cooperative manner, we can achieve a unified government that represents all of our constituents for the betterment of the entire Western Territory. We must now look ahead and see how we can create our own territory and ensure everyone equally has a voice. In closing, I again would like to thank my eastern colleagues for the experiences of working with you and again congratulations for finally seeing your goal become a reality. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
