Thank you, Mr. Roland. The chair will now recognize the honourable Member for Frame Lake, Mr. Dent.
Debates of Oct. 9th, 2003
This is page numbers 1355 - 1396 of the Hansard for the 14th Assembly, 6th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was tlicho.
conduct The Overview Of The Budget And The Fiscal Framework
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1365
other Matters
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1365

Charles Dent Frame Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. From time to time matters of government-wide interest arise. The Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight dealt with the following items:
fiscal Strategy Review
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1365

Charles Dent Frame Lake
The Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight has consistently urged the government to adopt a fiscal strategy that is responsible and that keeps the government well within the $300 million debt limit. In addition, the committee urged the chairman of the Financial Management Board to adopt a more stringent approach to forced growth and to tighten up the use of special warrants. The government responded by amending the Financial Administration Manual guidelines dealing with special warrants.
The Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight advised the government that Members might be prepared to consider changes to the payroll tax, as long as it coincided with an offsetting increase to the northern resident's deduction. Committee suggested the government prepare a discussion paper for consideration. The government has not responded with a discussion paper.
income Assistance And Impact Benefit Agreement Income
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1365

Charles Dent Frame Lake
The Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight recommended that the income support regulations be amended to allow compensation payments, including impact benefit agreement payments to be exempt from assessment as income under the income support program. Noting that the majority of jurisdictions allow some form of exemption for compensation payments for victims of crime, committee suggested that the government consider an upper limit on the amount of the payment that is exempt annually. The Minister argued that the issue was a complicated one and asked the working group on harmonization be asked to review the issues prior to recommending any changes to the income exemption policy.
Mr. Speaker, the committee could see no reason for the issue to be referred to the harmonization working group and again urged the Minister to revise his position and allow NWT residents to retain compensation from companies now using their lands.
Given the amount of time devoted to discussion and correspondence on this topic, the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight recommends that the 15th Legislative Assembly move quickly to resolve this issue.
consultation On Major Initiatives
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1365

Charles Dent Frame Lake
On several occasions the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight was frustrated when the government announced major initiatives without a process that included consultation with committee. When this happened, the committee generally wrote the Premier, pointing out the oversight. Invariably, the Premier would write back promising to work more closely with committees, and to try to avoid similar incidents again. However, it seemed that in a few months we would come up against a similar situation.
Of course the repetitive nature of this lack of consultation led to more and more frustration, and a growing sense the government was not sincere in its approach to consensus government. We finally set up a process whereby the Premier met with committee on a monthly basis. While this improved the level of communication between the government and committee, there were still occasions Members felt the government moved ahead on initiatives or legislation before adequate consultation had taken place.
Mr. Speaker, Members feel that one way the communication and consultation process could be improved would be to strengthen the protocol for policy proposals to be referred to standing committees similar to the process in place for legislative proposals. Members of the 15th Assembly may want to discuss the establishment of a protocol that would ensure committees have input into policy initiatives in their early stages before significant departmental resources are committed to their development.
ministers' Travel And Absences During Session
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1365

Charles Dent Frame Lake
The Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight wrote to obtain clarification on Cabinet's policy regarding Ministers being in the House during sitting hours. Members noted that it is important for Ministers to be present for Members' questions during question period. Committee also noted that it was the practice of previous governments that no more than one Minister will ever be absent on a day that the House is sitting, and then only for federal/provincial/territorial or provincial/territorial ministerial meetings. The Premier confirmed that the Cabinet policy for the 14th Legislative Assembly carried on the practice of no more than one Minister being absent on a day that the House is sitting and advised all Ministers to be present during question period.
The Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight recommends that the 15th Legislative Assembly continue the current practice of ensuring that no more than one Minister will ever be absent on a day that the House is sitting, and then only for federal/provincial/territorial or provincial/territorial ministerial meetings.
theme Days
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1365

Charles Dent Frame Lake
Committee Members continued the practice of "theme days" as a way of working together to publicize, heighten awareness, and bring focus to issues of public concern. During the time allotted for Member's statements and during question period, Members would focus on a particular issue. The rules of the Legislative Assembly allow a period of time for Members of the Legislative Assembly to make a two-and-one-half minute statement on any matter.
Question period is typically one of the most publicized parts of the Assembly's proceedings and it provides an opportunity for Members of the Legislative Assembly to call attention to public issues. During question period Members ask Ministers questions about government activity in order to seek out information. The responses are a way of making information about the government's activities public.
Mr. Speaker, Members prepared several theme days on important public issues, including: medical travel, affordable housing, the corporate capital planning process, and board governance.
In March 2002, Members raised concerns respecting the application of various aspects of the medical travel policy, including eligibility, provision and level of benefits on medical travel, intercommunity transportation, escorts, patient boarding and local transportation of indigent patients.
Mr. Speaker, Members are encouraged by the government's recent announcement in June 2003 of interim changes to the medical travel policy to assist residents who do not have third-party insurance coverage. The provisions for removal of the co-payment for families with incomes less than $80,000 and meals and accommodation assistance is a good first step to ensuring that all northern residents have access to appropriate medical treatment.
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1365

Charles Dent Frame Lake
Mr. Speaker, as this Assembly approaches dissolution, Members believe the standing committee has lived up to its mandate by contributing to the achievement of the 14th Assembly vision in several key areas. We feel we have added value to legislative and policy initiatives, and by demanding more accountable and transparent government.
Sometimes committee lent support to government actions, sometimes we questioned or opposed government action, and sometimes we demanded action where we saw none or not enough. In all, Members believe the committee's role has been constructive; that our work has made a difference.
Mr. Speaker, it has been a pleasure and an honour for Members to serve the people of the Northwest Territories over the last four years. The Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight now wishes the 15th Assembly success in developing and achieving its own vision for better government and a better and more vibrant Northwest Territories.
Motion To Receive And Adopt Committee Report 20-14(6), Carried
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1365

Charles Dent Frame Lake
Mr. Speaker, that concludes the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight final report on plans and priorities. I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, that Committee Report 20-14(6) be received by the Assembly and adopted. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Motion To Receive And Adopt Committee Report 20-14(6), Carried
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1366

The Speaker Tony Whitford
Thank you, Mr. Dent. We have a motion. There is a motion on the floor. The motion is in order. Is the House ready for the question?
Motion To Receive And Adopt Committee Report 20-14(6), Carried
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1366
An Hon. Member
Motion To Receive And Adopt Committee Report 20-14(6), Carried
Item 4: Reports Of Standing And Special Committees
Page 1367

The Speaker Tony Whitford
Question has been called. All those in favour? Thank you. All those opposed? Thank you. The motion is carried.
Committee Report 20-14(6) is received by the Assembly and adopted. Item 4, reports of standing and special committees. Item 5, returns to oral questions. The honourable Member for Nunakput, Mr. Steen.
Further Return To Question 395-14(6): Nwt Sport, Recreation And Physical Activity System
Item 5: Returns To Oral Questions
Item 5: Returns To Oral Questions
Page 1367

Vince Steen Nunakput
Mr. Speaker, I have a return to oral question asked by Ms. Sandy Lee on October 7, 2003, regarding the Northwest Territories sport, recreation and physical activity system.
On June 10, 2003, I met with Mr. Abe Theil, the president of Sport North, and Mr. Doug Rentmeister, Sport North's executive director, to discuss the concerns that were raised by their membership during the Sport North annual general meeting held May 23 to 25, 2003.
Mr. Theil indicated that the primary concerns raised by Sport North members included the following:
- • The cost of implementing the proposed Northwest Territories recreation and sport board, and the concern that it may take resources away from programs;
- • The addition of an extra layer of governance to the system;
- • The future role for Sport North in the system;
- • The process for selecting the representation on the new board;
- • The consultation process used to develop the recommendation on the establishment of the new board. Sport North members were specifically concerned about the lack of available information on the resources that are available for communities and sport and recreation partners;
- • The important role of volunteers and volunteer burnout and frustration; and,
- • The government's commitment to supporting sport and recreation.
At the meeting, I was able to respond directly to a number of Mr. Theil's concerns:
- • I provided a breakdown of funds that are currently spent by all sport and recreation partners in the Northwest Territories on administration, and indicated that rather than taking money away from programs, combining resources should help free up funding to reallocate to programs.
- • I clarified that the intent of the proposed changes was not to add a layer of governance, but rather to provide a forum for sport and recreation partners to share resources and programs.
- • I clarified that there is no intent to replace Sport North or any other partner, but rather to create the opportunity to allow them to work more closely together to achieve common goals. I offered to consider a mechanism to ensure the protection of existing organizations within the new body.
- • I reminded Mr. Theil that Sport North was an active participant in developing the recommendation for the creation of the new board, and was a signatory to the report that was submitted to me in March 2003.
- • I assured Mr. Theil that the department appreciates the important role that volunteers play in the sport and recreation system, as evidenced by our lead on the development of a volunteer support initiative.
- • I advised Mr. Theil that the department's plans to introduce changes to the Western Canada Lottery Act regulations were designed in part to generate more revenue to support the sport and recreation system.
As a result of this meeting, Sport North agreed to continue to participate in the interim coordinating team process that was set up by the sport and recreation partners to finalize the design for the new board, and to work towards solutions to the issues identified by its membership. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Further Return To Question 395-14(6): Nwt Sport, Recreation And Physical Activity System
Item 5: Returns To Oral Questions
Item 5: Returns To Oral Questions
Page 1367

The Speaker Tony Whitford
Thank you, Mr. Minister. Item 5, returns to oral questions. Item 6, recognition of visitors in the gallery.
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Page 1367

The Speaker Tony Whitford
Colleagues, I would like to draw your attention to the visitors' gallery and the presence of a former member for the Mackenzie Delta, former Speaker Mr. Richard Nerysoo.
As well, colleagues, I would like to direct your attention to the visitors' gallery of the former Member for North Slave, Mr. James Rabesca.
Item 6, recognition of visitors in the gallery. The honourable Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mr. Allen.
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Page 1367

Roger Allen Inuvik Twin Lakes
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I, too, would like to recognize Richard Nerysoo. He's the elected chief for the Inuvik Native Band. Minister Handley asked me, in his absence, to recognize Major Karen Hoeft on his behalf. Thank you.
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Page 1367

The Speaker Tony Whitford
Item 6, recognition of visitors in the gallery. The honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Krutko.
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Page 1367

David Krutko Mackenzie Delta
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I, too, would like to recognize Richard Nerysoo, the chief of the Nihtat Gwich'in Band in Inuvik, also the president of the NWT Power Corporation and former president of the Gwich'in Tribal Council. Welcome, Richard.
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Page 1367

The Speaker Tony Whitford
Item 6, recognition of visitors in the gallery. The honourable Member for North Slave, Mr. Lafferty.
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Page 1368
Leon Lafferty North Slave
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Too bad I only get 30 seconds. I can't name them all. I would like to recognize my family: my mother, Margaret Lafferty; my partner, Cecilia Desjardins; my daughter, Tara Lee Lafferty; and all my constituents, aboriginal leaders from the North Slave. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Page 1368

The Speaker Tony Whitford
They are most welcome indeed. Item 6, recognition of visitors in the gallery. The honourable Member for Thebacha, Mr. Miltenberger.
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Page 1368

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to...
I would like to recognize...Jack...
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Page 1368
Jim Antoine Nahendeh
Jack Van Camp.
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Page 1368
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Item 6: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Page 1368

The Speaker Tony Whitford
It will show up in Hansard properly. Item 6, recognition of visitors in the gallery. The honourable Member for Tu Nedhe, Mr. Nitah.