The House met at 1:36 p.m.
Debates of March 1st, 2011
This is page numbers 6245 - 6300 of the Hansard for the 16th Assembly, 5th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was agreed.

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Good afternoon, colleagues. Welcome back to the Chamber. Orders of the day. Item 2, Ministers’ statements. The honourable Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Lafferty.
Minister’s Statement 117-16(5): Aboriginal Languages Month
Ministers’ Statements

Jackson Lafferty Monfwi
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Language is about identity, who we are and how we understand and interact with each other. Promoting Aboriginal languages encourages the promotion of healthy lifestyles and family and cultural values.
In 1993, the Assembly of First Nations declared the Month of March Aboriginal Languages Month. Since then, the Northwest Territories honours Aboriginal languages and cultures in March. This year, Mr. Speaker, we not only celebrate Aboriginal languages through initiatives in place for 2011 but also recognize the achievements of 2010.
Mr. Speaker, 2010 was a very active year for Aboriginal languages, starting with the Northwest Territories Aboriginal Languages Symposium. The information generated from the symposium formed part of the Aboriginal Languages Plan. The strategy, “Northwest Territories Aboriginal Languages Plan - A Shared Responsibility,” was tabled during the October 2010 session of the Legislative Assembly.
The development of the plan was a collaborative effort involving many people across the Territory and reflects not only priorities of the people of the Northwest Territories, but also recognizes that languages strengthen our society and underpins our culture. Implementing this plan will help us strengthen awareness of our northern uniqueness and identity, part of this Assembly’s vision for a strong, independent North built on partnerships.
Mr. Speaker, the overarching aim of this document is “A Shared Responsibility,” because the
participants of the symposium told us about the revitalization, preservation and maintenance of the Aboriginal languages in our Territory are the responsibilities of all stakeholders.
Mr. Speaker, 2011 will also be an active year. We are developing a full implementation plan for the Aboriginal Languages Strategy, which will outline a time frame and give more detail for the actions and outcomes proposed in the strategy.
The work plan is framed over a 10-year period and will address issues including government services, education programming, actions required to support revitalization and language community activities.
Next summer the Government of the Northwest Territories will host a second Northwest Territories Aboriginal Languages Summer Institute, a partnership between the Department of Education, Culture and Employment and the University of Victoria Certificate Program in Aboriginal Language Revitalization.
The partnership with the University of Victoria program benefits from the university’s relationship with the En’owkin Centre, the post-secondary education institute of the Okanagan First Nations known for its commitment to language revitalization. The two-week institute brings together community language workers and teachers representing official languages of the Northwest Territories. It is our goal that this is another initiative that will enable more people to speak their Aboriginal language in the coming years.
Mr. Speaker, Aboriginal Languages Month is a good opportunity to recognize the hard work of the language communities and applaud them for their ongoing dedication to ensure that languages flourish.
This government is committed to continuing its support of language and cultural activities. The involvement of each of the language communities is essential if we are to protect, maintain and strengthen language usage.
We hope all Aboriginal language speakers, language students and, indeed, all Northerners enjoy the celebration of language and culture in their communities during Aboriginal Languages Month.
Minister’s Statement 117-16(5): Aboriginal Languages Month
Ministers’ Statements

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. Before I go on to Ministers’ statements I’d like to draw your attention to the gallery and the presence of a former Member of the Assembly, former Minister, former Sergeant-at-Arms, former Commissioner, marriage counsellor extraordinaire, Mr. Tony Whitford, in the gallery today.
I’d also like to draw your attention to the presence of the Auditor General for Canada, Sheila Fraser, and her staff: Andrew Lennox, assistant auditor general; Jerome Berthelette, assistant auditor general; Glenn Wheeler, Tedd Wood, Eric Hellsten and Ghislain Desjardins.
The honourable Minister responsible for Finance, Mr. Miltenberger.
Minister’s Statement 118-16(5): Proposed Devolution Financial Arrangements
Ministers’ Statements

Michael Miltenberger Minister of Finance
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. A recent report commissioned by the Gwich’in Tribal Council has raised some questions about certain financial aspects of the devolution agreement-in-principle. The Government of the Northwest Territories does not agree with most of the conclusions of this report. We remain confident that the financial provisions of the devolution AIP are fair and reflect the best deal available. I rise today to set the record straight and address some of the confusion this report may have caused.
First of all I would like to point out that devolution is not just about money, it is about moving responsibility for public lands and resources from the Government of Canada to the Government of the Northwest Territories. With devolution, the people of the NWT will be making decisions respecting land, water and resource development that are currently being made in Ottawa. The financial components of the AIP are important but they need to be considered against the entire devolution agreement.
Anybody can pick and choose selected portions of the AIP and criticize them, but that isolated criticism is meaningless if it doesn’t take into account the benefits and advantages that have been achieved in other parts of the AIP. The Gwich’in report in fact concludes that “accepting the proposed AIP would be beneficial, but not optimal.” Taken along with the rest of the deal, it is the GNWT’s position that the financial arrangements of the AIP provide the basis for a final devolution agreement that will create real benefits for all NWT residents. Devolution negotiators spent considerable time and effort maximizing the financial benefits of the deal. All of the issues were raised and discussed at the table, from the treatment of resource revenues from Norman Wells to the net fiscal benefit and A-base
funding. If there had been any realistic prospect of dramatically improving the financial components of the federal offer, the GNWT would have pursued it.
The net fiscal benefit reflected in the AIP is a vast improvement over previous federal offers. Once we have devolution, the Government of the Northwest Territories will collect the resource revenues that are currently going directly to Ottawa. These resource revenues will reduce our formula financing grant, but only by 50 cents for every dollar collected. The net fiscal benefit or the difference between the resource revenues we collect and reduction in the grant is subject to a cap equal to 5 percent of our gross expenditure base; about $60 million right now. By comparison, the Yukon devolution agreement only allows them to keep $3 million in mineral revenues and between 20 percent and 40 percent of oil and gas revenues, with everything above that going to Ottawa. It’s no wonder that the Yukon government is already indicating a desire to renegotiate their agreement.
The arrangements in the AIP are completely consistent with what the provinces would receive under the Federal-Provincial Equalization Program. Under this program, 50 percent of a province’s resource revenues are excluded from the equalization calculation, not 100 percent like the GTC report claims. Certain provinces did negotiate special time-limited agreements for off-shore revenues 25 years ago, but off-shore resources are not part of the NWT devolution AIP. While provinces that do not receive equalization payments get to keep 100 percent of their resource revenues, no province receiving equalization gets better treatment than what is contemplated in the devolution AIP.
The GTC report questions whether the net fiscal benefit will be adequate for managing the resources being devolved to the Government of the Northwest Territories, but this is not the purpose of the net fiscal benefit. The Government of the Northwest Territories will receive funding -- known as A-base funding -- each year to cover the cost of operating the programs and services that will be devolved to the Government of the Northwest Territories. This is funding over and above any resource revenues the Government of the Northwest Territories will retain.
A-base funding will begin at $65.3 million per year and will escalate annually under the terms of the Territorial Formula Financing. This amount was based on the work that the GNWT did to determine how much it would cost to operate devolved programs.
There has been some public discussion of a higher A-base amount supposedly negotiated in 2007. The GNWT and Aboriginal governments did propose a higher A-base figure to Canada in 2007, based on a best-case scenario that assumed very high levels of resource development in the Northwest Territories.
There was never any guarantee that we would experience that level of development and Canada never did seriously entertain the proposal.
What Canada has agreed to, however, is to negotiate a post-devolution resource development cooperation agreement. We recognize that there may be times when additional investment may be necessary to help the Government of the Northwest Territories deal with the pressures of high levels of resource development. Where there are major projects with considerable national, environmental, social and economic significance, it would be in the interests of Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories to work together to address their implications. Rather than try to accommodate that through higher A-base funding, these implications can be considered through a post-devolution cooperation agreement with Canada.
Mr. Speaker, it is the Government of the Northwest Territories position that we have achieved a good deal on devolution that includes fair and reasonable financial arrangements. After years of negotiations we have an agreement-in-principle that can serve as a basis for a devolution agreement that will create real economic benefits for all NWT residents, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal alike. We have the basis of a deal that will give us access to substantial resource revenues and legislative authority over public lands, water and resources. We have the basis of a deal that will establish government-to-government relationships with northern Aboriginal governments and give them a share of revenues earned from resource royalties.
We have the basis for an agreement that will see Canada continue to contribute to the development of projects of national significance in the Northwest Territories. And we have the basis for an agreement that will see the Northwest Territories enter into negotiations with Canada over revenue sharing for offshore oil and gas resources.
Based on the current agreement-in-principle, the Government of the Northwest Territories would stand to receive $26.5 million in one-time transition costs from Canada. The first year of the agreement we would receive another $65.3 million in A-base funding. On top of the A-base funding, we would also begin to receive annual revenues from the development of NWT resources. Over the past five years we calculated that we have missed out on $200 million in resource revenues based on the current AIP. That’s money that the Northwest Territories governments could have invested in economic development, infrastructure and programs and services for our residents.
Today we are faced with all the potential impacts of resource development but have no control over the pace of development. This will be rectified with devolution and the Government of the Northwest Territories will have the tools necessary to manage
risks. Every day that goes by without a devolution agreement, opportunity is lost. Non-renewable resources are being extracted from public lands in the Northwest Territories and resource revenues are flowing out of the North.
We can hold out for a marginally better financial deal from Canada, Mr. Speaker, but we will never be able to make a deal rich enough to make up for the millions of dollars that we are losing each year that we do not have a devolution agreement. This is a fair deal and an important step. It’s time to get down to business and put NWT governments in charge of the decisions that affect our Territory and our future. Mahsi.
Minister’s Statement 118-16(5): Proposed Devolution Financial Arrangements
Ministers’ Statements
Minister’s Statement 119-16(5): Minister Absent From The House
Ministers’ Statements
Inuvik Boot Lake

Floyd Roland Premier
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wish to advise Members that the Honourable Bob McLeod will be absent from the House today to attend the Arctic Gas Symposium in Calgary. Thank you.
Minister’s Statement 119-16(5): Minister Absent From The House
Ministers’ Statements

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Roland. Item 3, Members’ statements. The honourable Member for Nunakput, Mr. Jacobson.
Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Members’ Statements

Jackie Jacobson Nunakput
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Recently planes were unable to land in Inuvik for a number of reasons, notably that runway did not have enough friction for the airplanes to land properly. Our region and our communities rely heavily on the airports, especially Inuvik. The reliability of infrastructure, wherever there is a telecommunications system at our airports, the airport systems are a critical process to the economic development projects and the people’s safety. It is a critical time to provide a certain standard of living for our residents in the Beaufort-Delta and the more northerly communities. Mr. Speaker, a friction problem at minus 20 degree weather might be allowable in Vancouver Island, but not in the High Arctic. It is unacceptable.
Airport managers have been working hard and resources that they have been... Our government needs to do more to help them. Airports all over the Beaufort-Delta require more resources. Some communities in Nunakput have recently had airport construction, like my three airport terminal buildings in Sachs, Paulatuk and Ulukhaktok. I would like to thank the Minister and rehabilitation he has injected are greatly appreciated, but our resources are referring to the technology. You would think that
especially in the High Arctic the government would have issues such as de-icing our services preparation techniques in and around the airport.
Most of the people in the Beaufort-Delta recognize unique challenges living in the region, but we are concerned if our flights are cancelled. We had three flights cancelled this week out of here, out of Yellowknife heading into Inuvik, which caused havoc with communities and doctors’ appointments. Resources, lack of certain technologies are used elsewhere. Other technologies of this government must be required to advance the aviation tracking communications, weather tracking systems. These systems are additional for pilots in conditions such as fog and blizzards.
As I expressed previously, small, remote communities in Nunakput solely rely on airports for all of our means of transportation. A schedule of chartered flights cancelled, preventing people carrying out business, medical appointments, visiting family and other unique opportunities like the kids’ hockey tournament in Inuvik coming up this weekend, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker, I will have questions for the Minister of Transportation at the appropriate time. Thank you.
Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Members’ Statements

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Jacobson. The honourable Member for Nahendeh, Mr. Menicoche.
Condition Of Highways No. 1 And No. 7
Members’ Statements

Kevin A. Menicoche Nahendeh
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] I will be talking about things that are important issues to my constituents. One of the items that I would like to express is the Liard Highway, and since the spring, it has been hard to travel because of the condition of the highway. [Translation ends]
...from washboards to washout to bathtub-size potholes, highways No. 1 and No. 7 continue to challenge drivers in the Deh Cho region and the Government of the Northwest Territories. Poor road conditions in my region have a negative impact on residents, tourism and business, not to mention taxpayers who foot the bill for the repairs.
I am extremely disappointed that I see no investment in the upgrades to highways No. 1 and No. 7 in the 2012-13 capital plan. As MLA, I feel I have worked hard, yet my region has been kept out of the capital planning process. I feel government is forgetting about my constituents. Bad road conditions are a barrier to people who want to visit, do business and live in my region. Technology exists and is emerging that can help road conditions in the Deh Cho. Special chipseal formulas are being developed that are more responsive to our northern conditions. Our roads are valuable pieces of infrastructure. Highways No. 1 and No. 7 form a unique circular route from
Alberta up to the Deh Cho and Fort Liard and back into British Columbia. This Deh Cho connection is important in my riding and even for the North as a whole, Mr. Speaker.
In 2010, the B.C. government invested $87 million in its northern highway system, including a paving project on Highway No. 77 that connects to the highway just south of Fort Liard. As I have said before, these roads are not just a tourist attraction, they are a transportation lifeline for the Deh Cho. Nahendeh constituents make a living driving it every day. The Government of the Northwest Territories is eager to build new infrastructure without maintaining what they already have. Mr. Speaker, the Department of Transportation must work to upgrade the highways No. 1 and No. 7 in my region in the capital plan for the next coming fiscal year. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Condition Of Highways No. 1 And No. 7
Members’ Statements

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. The honourable Member for Frame Lake, Ms. Bisaro.
NWT Ombudsman Office
Members’ Statements

Wendy Bisaro Frame Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I want to revisit a topic I’ve brought to the House several times before. In May of 2008 and again last February I spoke of the need for the NWT to have an ombudsman’s office. The need for this service has not yet gone away, Mr. Speaker. We are one of only three jurisdictions in Canada which does not have an ombudsman. Our sister territory, Yukon, is not one of them. The Yukon does have an ombudsman office for Yukon residents.
There are many, many situations where NWT residents need an impartial arbiter, an ombudsman to assist them with a dispute or a disagreement so they can avoid having to go to court to settle it. Disputes such as landlord-tenant issues that are outside of the jurisdiction of the rental officer, decisions by a self-regulating body, decisions by housing authorities, income support issues where an appeal has been denied, administrative decisions by officials in hospitals and other medical facilities, decisions made by the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission. There’s many more.
In my last question and answer session with the Minister of Justice I was advised that a number of possibilities exist for someone who has a problem with a government decision to appeal it. I agree with them, there are some. People can talk to department staff, there are appeal boards in some cases and some people can ask their MLA for help. However, none of these possibilities provides an impartial forum and when all opportunities or all options are exhausted and the individual still feels wronged, the only action left to them is to take the matter to court and that’s an expensive and an intimidating solution for most people, Mr. Speaker.
On previous occasions when the establishment of an ombudsman office was raised in response to my questions, the Minister of Justice advised that his department had looked at it and determined that such an office was not necessary. However, he also said that the department would continue to look at options in conjunction with the Department of Executive. I figure it’s time, Mr. Speaker, to find out if either department has done any looking in the last 12 months, so I will have questions for the Minister of Executive at the appropriate time. Thank you.
NWT Ombudsman Office
Members’ Statements

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. The honourable Member for Hay River South, Mrs. Groenewegen.
Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device Regulations
Members’ Statements

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In recent years the Northwest Territories has seen improvement in the number of alcohol-related vehicle collisions on our roads and highways and yet in 2009 there were 35 collisions involving alcohol, resulting in 18 persons injured and one person dead.
Back in 2003 the Legislative Assembly passed amendments to the Motor Vehicles Act that introduced new measures to reduce impaired driving. The amendments provided the drivers convicted of impaired driving were prohibited from driving the length of time depending on the number of offenses. It also identified conditions that could be imposed on drivers who want to have their licences reinstated. One of these was a requirement to use an alcohol ignition interlock device. This is a mechanism like a breathalyser that is installed in a motor vehicle’s dashboard. Before the vehicle’s motor will start, the driver first must exhale into the device. Basically, if the breath alcohol concentration is greater than 0.02 percent, the device prevents the engine from being started. There are also safeguards to prevent cheating. To my knowledge, requiring the use of this device has not been used as yet.
I think there may be reasons to consider such an option. Let me be clear that I do not condone or approve in any way people drinking and driving under the influence of alcohol, but sometimes a person needs a driver’s licence for emergency or safety reasons or to make their living either on the job or their commute to work. If the person’s licence is renewed on condition that an alcohol ignition interlock device would be installed in the person’s vehicle, this could provide more assurance that the driver will be sober.
Mr. Speaker, I encourage the government to develop regulations as to what situations might warrant the use of an ignition interlock device and a
program to implement its usage. But, Mr. Speaker, at this time a judge cannot make an ignition interlock device a condition of a person seeking limited driving permission because such regulations as a companion to our Motor Vehicles Act have never been developed.
Mr. Speaker, I will have questions today for the Minister of Transportation on this subject. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device Regulations
Members’ Statements

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. The honourable Member for Tu Nedhe, Mr. Beaulieu.
Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Members’ Statements

Tom Beaulieu Tu Nedhe
Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I will be talking on behalf of my community of Lutselk’e in regards to a service. [Translation ends]
I speak of a winter road. A winter road to Lutselk’e will provide a service to their citizens that are enjoyed by 29 of the 33 communities in the Northwest Territories. That enjoyment is the ability for those communities to access their communities with their personal vehicles.
Where possible, I feel that this government should provide a road that can be used by community members to lower the cost of living by buying goods in larger centres and opening a door for tourists, even allowing the community to hold revenue-generating events such as fishing derbies. While the majority of the NWT wish to have better highways leading to their communities, communities like Lutselk’e dream of some day when they will no longer be isolated and can drive on winter roads to and from their communities.
As it stands today, the people of Lutselk’e are limited to even what kind of furniture they can buy due to transportation, and the amount of food they can transport to their communities due to freight costs or limited space when they can only use snowmobiles and boats.
Members of Lutselk’e have even indicated they would work with the Department of Transportation on a route and construction of the road. There exists several options for routing of a winter road to Lutselk’e. I have been provided with options such as coming off of the Ingraham Trail or building a road through the bush to the Great Slave Lake across from Lutselk’e all the way to building all the way on the Great Slave Lake around to Lutselk’e and a couple of options in between.
A winter road to Lutselk’e is much needed and would be much appreciated by the people of Lutselk’e and I will have questions for the Minister of Transportation at the appropriate time.
Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Members’ Statements
Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Members’ Statements

Bob Bromley Weledeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My comments today are in regard to the recent Norman Wells block land transfer lease decision. This action is wrong every way you look at it. Negotiations leading up to the 144 square kilometre lease or sale were confidential, not just ignoring but excluding the interests of the Town of Norman Wells. The department allowed the corporation 10 months to get their application right and the municipality 72 hours to respond, without even providing the necessary documentation on which to base their response. Our municipal partners were treated with contempt. Even the terms and conditions of the lease are confidential. The Town has been told that they are protected under the Access to Information and Privacy Act; more contempt.
This lease was granted even though there was no development proposal justifying the need for this huge total parcel. At a minimum, this makes a joke of the progressive improvements to our own Commissioner’s Land Act. How do you require security deposits if you don’t even know what the land use is going to be? We’ve debased our own law.
Lacking a clear development proposal, we can only presume the corporation is going to sit on the land. This is called speculation, which is specifically discouraged under our own land pricing policies, so we have violated our own policies.
This all makes a pretty embarrassing checklist. The failure to accommodate our own law, the secretive process, the exclusion of municipal interests, the preferential treatment and receipt of a deficient application, the buffet-style selection of lease versus sale. This is one of the most questionable government actions I have come across. The final outcome, putting this municipality at the mercy of the corporation with rights to all lands surrounding it, strangles and robs this community of its future.
The Minister recognizes the possibility of errors and is going to review how future major sales and lease agreements are handled. I’m not convinced he realizes the serious and flagrant failure to act in the best interests of our communities for this case. For the sake of our relations with all municipal government partners, I hope his review is done quickly and transparently and includes a look at the ethics of the actions taken. I’m calling on the Minister to do this in full consultation with committee and with the NWT Association of Communities. I’ll be asking questions.
Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Members’ Statements

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Bromley. The honourable Member for Great Slave, Mr. Abernethy.
Northern Nurse Development Programs
Members’ Statements

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I’d like to follow up on some conversations I’ve had earlier in this House with the Minister of Health and Social Services on the Community Health Nurse Development Program, the NP Program and the Introduction to Advanced Practice. The last two are delivered by Aurora College.
We all know that health and social services in the Northwest Territories is facing some significant challenge. As we move forward, our programs and services here in the Northwest Territories evolved as outlined in the Framework for Change to be more responsive and cost effective and better suited to the residents of the Northwest Territories. Some hard decisions are going to need to be made and we’re going to have to dig in and review our programs to make sure that they are meeting those needs. These training programs -- Community Health Nurse Development Program, Nurse Practitioner Program and Introduction to Advanced Practice -- are no different. We do need to review them. The Minister has indicated that the department is in fact reviewing them.
In reviewing them I think it’s critical that we’re aware of the facts. I’d like to talk about some of the facts here today and I’d like to actually start off first by saying when we were having our previous conversations, I was talking about one position in the Community Health Nurse Development Program. The Minister has kindly reminded me that there were four in 2010-2011, not one as I had indicated, but there was one enrolled when I was having that conversation. I apologize for that confusion.
Since the program was implemented in 2007, 21 individuals were enrolled. Of those, 17 have graduated and are currently working in the Northwest Territories; 14 of them as community health nurses and three in other capacities.
We have 65 community health nurse positions in the Northwest Territories. Of these, 15 are filled and 50 are vacant. Given that 14 of them are from the Community Health Nurse Program, that means 28 percent of all community health nurses in the Northwest Territories accessed employment and were trained via the Community Health Nurse Development Program. This is something we can’t forget when we review the program. Without question, this program is a success.
The Nurse Practitioner Program is delivered by Aurora College and it’s my understanding that the
funding for that will end technically in June 2012 when the last of the current students graduate. This program is important and I will be asking the Minister some questions on that when we get to question period. I think it’s important that that program be assessed based on the value it adds and our potential value with putting nurse practitioners in the communities. We can’t forget the value that nurse practitioners will have.
I will have some questions on community health nurses, IAP and NP during question period.
Northern Nurse Development Programs
Members’ Statements
Violent Crime Rate In The NWT
Members’ Statements

David Ramsay Kam Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I’d like to continue to speak about violence and crime in our Territory. I have the utmost respect for the words spoken by our Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Honourable John Vertes, who appeared on Northbeat last evening. I appreciated what he had to say and I agree with him that we have to address the issues that face us. He stated that in the last five years violent crime has gone up by 28 percent in the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories. Our violent crime rate continues to rise and we have the highest incarceration rate in this country.
Yesterday I talked about recidivism, data collection, and the need to better measure the success of programs and services we have for those incarcerated for violent crimes. Work must continue in this area.
My opinion is we should be putting violent, dangerous, repeat offenders away before they kill or maim someone else. I’d like to see our prosecutors seeking dangerous offender applications on those individuals that continue to prey on our people and use violence as a means to get what they want. My point is: how many violent crimes does it take, how many people have to get hurt or even killed before dangerous offender status is sought?
Our problems run deep. I have to agree that we have to address the root causes of violence and violent crime in our communities, like homelessness, unemployment, alcohol and drug addiction, gambling, poverty and family breakdown.
Between Health and Social Services, Education, and Justice this government spends over $700 million a year. We have to start asking ourselves what kind of difference are we really making. Is all the money being spent on the right programs and services for our people? Do the programs and services that we have currently work and for their intended purposes?
We cannot afford to keep trying to spend our way out of all the problems that face this Territory or limp along hoping all of our problems are just going to go away. We have to continue to chip away at the problems. They’re not going to disappear overnight, but, again, we must continue to tackle the issues facing our communities every day.
Violent Crime Rate In The NWT
Members’ Statements

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. The honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Krutko.
Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Members’ Statements

David Krutko Mackenzie Delta
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Alienating the members of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11 from the signing of the devolution agreement undermines the fundamental basis of treaty rights in the Northwest Territories with treaty Indians.
The majority of the lands in the Northwest Territories are covered by two treaties: Treaty 8 and Treaty 11. In 1898 Treaty 8 was signed in the southern part of the Northwest Territories. In 1921 Treaty 11 was signed in the northern part of the Northwest Territories, which goes all the way to the Arctic Ocean.
In 1973 the Dene Nation led a court challenge, better known as the Paulette Case, which clearly defined that the Dene did not extinguish their rights under Treaty 8 and Treaty 11 to lands and resources. It clearly defined that they do have fundamental rights to lands and resources throughout Treaty 8 and throughout Treaty 11. There was also the Calder case in B.C. with regard to the Nisga’a which clearly defined that there has to be a comprehensive claims process to allow for those rights to be negotiated and defined.
Under the Dene/Metis claim, which took place during the ‘70s and ‘80s which clearly illustrated and identified the rights to lands resources, the management of land, water and resources, and also the fundamental rights in regard hunting, fishing and gathering. The Government of the Northwest Territories are not honouring their obligations under the modern day treaties or Treaty 11 and Treaty 8 with regard to the fundamental rights of indigenous people that are protected under Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution and also recognized under the UN Declaration for Indigenous Peoples.
That is the problem I see with devolution. You do not have the Dene people signed onto that agreement which affects treaty lands, Treaty 8, Treaty 11. The groups that have signed on do not have treaties. For me, that is the issue. The fundamental treaty rights of these indigenous people who are indigenous to the Mackenzie Valley which encompasses the largest portion of the Northwest Territories and who is going to be
affected by this devolution agreement is being undermined by the government and is not fulfilling its obligations and ensuring that they will be full participants and that this shall be included in all negotiations that affect them.
I will have questions for the Minister of Finance later.
Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Members’ Statements

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Krutko. The honourable Member for Yellowknife Centre, Mr. Hawkins.
Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Members’ Statements

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I’d like to talk about the GNWT’s Waste Reduction and Recovery Program expansion. This program has been part of Managing This Land Strategic Initiative to meet the 16
Assembly’s goals on
sustainable environment. This is a program I support.
One month ago the government implemented the second phase of its Single-Use Retail Bag Program. This program applies not only to grocery stores but also to all retail stores in the Northwest Territories. Therefore, outside of a few prescribed examples, every bag will now be charged a 25 cent environmental fee.
The purpose of this program is very clear: it’s designed to discourage the use of needless bags. I support that principle. It makes a lot of sense. Clearly it will divert plastic bags from our landfill sites and reduce litter and waste on our land. Clearly it’s a good principle that I think we all stand behind. With this good principle, we should hope that this will reduce landfill costs and create revenue which will help bolster the GNWT’s Environmental Fund. It’s a fund I support that has good initiatives.
I’m hopeful that this summer, as well, we’ll certainly see a reduction of plastic bags flying around our community and certainly stuck in the trees and bushes. A side benefit that’s not accounted for, but will certainly be seen.
While these are well and good intentions for this program, I’m being asked by many why this levy applies to paper bags. This is a surprise to many of my constituents out there who were concerned that the 25 cent levy is applied to paper bags. Paper bags are both recyclable and biodegradable. Anyone who has a woodstove out there will certainly tell you they’re great for starting fires. What is the point of having a levy on such a product that is recyclable and biodegradable? The big question now becomes, is it just simply a bag tax or is it an environmental fee.
These products are going just a little too far for what people are wondering why the government penalizes them on what is considered a good bag.
Mr. Speaker, I will have questions for the Minister of Environment about the thoughts as to why they approached this matter in this way. Paper bags are environmentally friendly, they are biodegradable, and they’re certainly achieving good land stewardship, which I wholeheartedly believe in. Thank you.
Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Members’ Statements

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Item 4, returns to oral questions. Item 5, recognition of visitors in the gallery. The honourable Member for Yellowknife Centre, Mr. Hawkins.
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a number of people that I’d like to recognize today. The first person I’d like to recognize is Chris Bassi. He’s in the front here. He’s a retired bridge engineer and, of course, he retired to Yellowknife where his daughter Sheila Bassi-Kellett works, as we all know. As well in the gallery, I’d like to recognize a constituent as well as a neighbour, Didier Bourgois, and he has, I believe, his cousin here from Paris, and her name is Dr. Elizabeth Dey. May I welcome her. The last person I’d like to make note, Mr. Speaker, while I have the floor, is I’d also like to acknowledge in the gallery our retiring or outgoing Sheila Fraser, who is our Auditor General. She is a giant among her peers and my wife happens to be her biggest fan. She will be dearly missed. Thank you.
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to recognize two constituents of the Great Slave riding: Mr. Mark Bogan and Mrs. Theresa Crane. Welcome to the gallery.
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Abernethy. The honourable Member for Nunakput, Mr. Jacobson.
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Jackie Jacobson Nunakput
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to welcome Mr. Tony Whitford again, a past Member. I’d like to welcome Tony. It’s always good to see you. And Ms. Sheila Fraser and her staff Andrew Lennox. Good to see you, Andrew. The most important person in the building for me today is my wife, Jenny. She’s up...(inaudible)...and back home. She just flew down from a five-day blizzard so it’s good to have her in the House today watching us work. Thank you.
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

David Ramsay Kam Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to recognize one of my favourite constituents, Ms. Joy Watt, who’s in the audience this afternoon. As well,
I’d like to recognize the former Commissioner, former Member for Kam Lake as well, Mr. Tony Whitford. As well, of course, the Auditor General, Ms. Sheila Fraser, and her staff as well. I’d like to welcome them and everyone that’s in the gallery today. Thank you.
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. If we’ve missed anyone in the gallery today, welcome to the Chamber. We hope you’re enjoying the proceedings. It’s always nice to have an audience in here.
Item 6, acknowledgements. Item 7, oral questions. The honourable Member for Frame Lake, Ms. Bisaro.
Question 544-16(5): Territorial Ombudsman Office
Oral Questions

Wendy Bisaro Frame Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions today are addressed to the Minister for Executive, and it’s quite convenient because he also happens to be the Premier and my questions go across several departments.
I mentioned in my Member’s statement that I think that there still is a need for an ombudsman office. I also mentioned that I have heard from another Minister that apparently they are working in conjunction with the Executive to consider options for an ombudsman office. I’d like to know from the Minister for Executive what action has his department taken in the last year with regard to the establishment of an ombudsman office. Thank you.
Question 544-16(5): Territorial Ombudsman Office
Oral Questions
Question 544-16(5): Territorial Ombudsman Office
Oral Questions
Inuvik Boot Lake

Floyd Roland Premier
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Department of Executive has worked with the Minister of Justice and his department in this area and looked at jurisdictions across this country as to where an office may be situated, an office of the ombudsman. The research shows that for a position of that nature needing to be arm’s length from government and not tied to a particular ministry, most jurisdictions have that position tied to their Assembly. Thank you.
Question 544-16(5): Territorial Ombudsman Office
Oral Questions

Wendy Bisaro Frame Lake
Thanks to the Premier for those remarks. I didn’t really get any idea of whether or not there’s been any action over there, but I’d like to ask the Minister if he can explain to me and to this House just what priority an ombudsman office has in this government’s total priorities. Is there any hope that it might soon be on the radar? Thank you.
Question 544-16(5): Territorial Ombudsman Office
Oral Questions
Inuvik Boot Lake

Floyd Roland Premier
As I was trying to say, in the research that was done, a position of that nature is not put in place by the government in the sense of the Cabinet. It is put in, in this case it
would be through the Assembly and the Board of Management, is my understanding. Thank you.
Question 544-16(5): Territorial Ombudsman Office
Oral Questions

Wendy Bisaro Frame Lake
Thank you to the Premier. I now understand where he was going. Not in my backyard, I guess. I’d like to know from the Minister whether or not the issue of an ombudsman office is far enough to the forefront of this government that it might be included in transition documents to take us from the 16
Assembly to the 17
. Thank you.
Question 544-16(5): Territorial Ombudsman Office
Oral Questions
Inuvik Boot Lake

Floyd Roland Premier
The government, at this time with the existing arrangement, we have one seat on the Board of Management and, I don’t know; we’d have to sit down and talk with members of the board to see if, in fact, it is on their agenda. Thank you.
Question 544-16(5): Territorial Ombudsman Office
Oral Questions
Question 544-16(5): Territorial Ombudsman Office
Oral Questions

Wendy Bisaro Frame Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’m not too sure what I can ask at this point. I have no question, Mr. Speaker.
Question 544-16(5): Territorial Ombudsman Office
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. The honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Krutko.
Question 545-16(5): Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Oral Questions

David Krutko Mackenzie Delta
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is directed to the Deputy Premier, Mr. Miltenberger, in regard to my comments in regard to the alienating of the treaty and the people in the Northwest Territories which make up the Treaty 8 and Treaty 11 and includes the majority of the Mackenzie Valley in the Northwest Territories. In light of that, we do have some obligations.
I’d like to ask the Deputy Premier exactly what are we doing to mend the fences to accommodate the treaty people in the Northwest Territories who basically have fundamental rights under Treaty 8, Treaty 11 and the modern day treaties and also in Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution.
Question 545-16(5): Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Oral Questions
Question 545-16(5): Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Oral Questions
Inuvik Boot Lake

Floyd Roland Premier
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As this question is directed, if I was not able to do the job then we would obviously go to the Deputy Premier in this case. As Premier I take direction from the Cabinet and Members of the Assembly in much of the work we do. In this area, the Member has raised a number of concerns and issues around the devolution agreement. As the devolution agreement is spelled out clearly, we look at the constitutional protection and rights of Aboriginal peoples throughout the Northwest Territories and that’s been incorporated. As for reaching out and looking towards working with the groups towards signing and joining us as we go down this path of negotiations, that door is open and we’re, as I have
pointed out in the review of Executive budget yesterday, that we would have to this Assembly in a supplementary appropriation to ask for additional resources and we’re prepared to do that once we have a framework and a budget put out. Thank you.
Question 545-16(5): Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Oral Questions

David Krutko Mackenzie Delta
Mr. Speaker, as I illustrated in my Member’s statement, there have been fundamental court cases in the Northwest Territories with regard to the Paulette case, the Calder case in B.C., and also other court cases in Canada in regard to the Delgamuukw decision, which clearly illustrate that the governments, regardless if it’s the Government of the Northwest Territories or the Government of Canada, have a fiduciary obligation to protect the rights of indigenous people in the Northwest Territories and in Canada under those particular court cases, but more importantly, under Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution. So we do have a basic fiduciary obligation to protect those rights. By this transfer taking place without those indigenous people signing on and not endorsing this, are we fundamentally breaching that accommodation to ensure that we protect the rights of indigenous people especially the treaty Indians in the Northwest Territories?
Question 545-16(5): Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Oral Questions
Inuvik Boot Lake

Floyd Roland Premier
Mr. Speaker, the signing of the devolution agreement, the work that is going to start in preparation for negotiation is part of a long process that has included Aboriginal groups from the very inception of the framework through to a signing of the past government and a number of the groups that went into the federal government to the process we’ve engaged in as the 16
Legislative Assembly. Clearly, again, the AIP has language throughout the agreement that talks about protecting the rights of Aboriginal peoples across the Northwest Territories under Section 35, under the land claims agreements and many of those areas, so we have, in fact, written into this agreement and we practice it as the Government of the Northwest Territories. For example, in any legislation that comes before this Assembly, if it has language that talks about non-infringing an Aboriginal people’s rights. Thank you.
Question 545-16(5): Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Oral Questions

David Krutko Mackenzie Delta
Mr. Speaker, as we all know, the indigenous people of the Northwest Territories, especially the ones with treaty rights, basically have a fundamental right spelled out in Treaty 8, modern day treaties and also under Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution. Mr. Speaker, it is clearly illustrated that we have a duty to consult and include and involve them in these processes. From what is clearly stipulated, they haven’t been involved in this process. If anything, they have been alienated because of their views and the government that does not like to accommodate those views and basically remove them from the table. I would like to know what are we doing as a government to accommodate treaty Indians in the Northwest Territories, ensuring that their
fundamental rights are not being breached by this agreement.
Question 545-16(5): Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Oral Questions
Inuvik Boot Lake

Floyd Roland Premier
Mr. Speaker, I disagree with what the Member stated about not honouring those agreements. In fact, clearly, during the life of this Assembly, we can show many examples of where we have gone above and beyond working with Aboriginal organizations and governments across the Northwest Territories, right from working together on the Water Strategy, the Wildlife Act, where the groups have joined us in writing the act, to the agreement-in-principle and devolution process. In fact, the door remains open for them to join the process and, in fact, help design some of the negotiation mandates that would be there when it is a joint mandate that we would approach the federal government on, for example. We have gone a long ways. In fact, right from when the letters were initiated by the chief negotiators to Minister Duncan’s office and to my office, as well as letters gone directly to each regional leader about the agreement-in-principle and the work done.
We have worked with the groups starting in November, after the chance to do their internal review. We sat with them early in November, in December, in January. In fact, January 23
we held the meeting and had more work done towards the protocol and even provided that I would be available to pull myself out of meetings if they wanted to change some of that language to go forward. What happened there? The groups, instead of working on additional language and requesting that I come out of those meetings, worked on a protest. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 545-16(5): Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Oral Questions
Question 545-16(5): Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Oral Questions

David Krutko Mackenzie Delta
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I clearly would like to stipulate that we do have an obligation to include First Nations people, and more importantly, that they do have fundamental rights to lands and resources in the Northwest Territories, not only the Government of Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories. Again, it is those rights that are being questioned here. I think it is not a question of process, it is a question of fundamental rights. What is the Premier doing to try to accommodate those First Nations groups, especially ones with treaties who have not signed, and to allow them to continue on either especially in their opinions, more importantly having a process that they can be fully integrated into the negotiations of the process than simply sitting on the sidelines? Thank you.
Question 545-16(5): Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Oral Questions
Inuvik Boot Lake

Floyd Roland Premier
Mr. Speaker, everything the Member said and his recent comments about the rights of Aboriginal people in the North, we agree. That is why the agreement-in-principle has the language it does about protecting Aboriginal rights. The section where the Constitution, Section
35, the land claims, we have that language throughout the agreement-in-principle. They are on the sidelines because they choose to. We have, in fact, invited them to be a part of this process going forward.
Following the signing, I have sent the letter to all the regions asking them to join with us again in this process as we go forward. In fact, again, I committed to Members of this Assembly, through the Executive budget review, that we would be prepared to put a budget in place to engage with communities and leaders on the AIP process towards the signing and joining them. Thank you.
Question 545-16(5): Devolution Agreement-In-Principle
Oral Questions
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions

Jackie Jacobson Nunakput
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement today it was regarding the trouble that we have been having in Inuvik at the airport with the aircraft not being able to land due to high winds and the friction. Mr. Speaker, will the government allocate resources to enhance the airports to develop operating systems that will lead the world in Arctic aviation in regards to airport runways? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Jacobson. The honourable Minister of Transportation, Mr. Michael McLeod.
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I personally take full responsibility of all the issues that come forward on our projects on any of our operations. However, I certainly can’t control the weather that has been posing a lot of challenges to us. Mr. Speaker, this weekend we had a number of flights cancelled, as the Member indicated. We had a total of six flights that were scheduled to go into the community of Inuvik. Only one aircraft was able to land. It was not due to runway conditions. It was due to the high winds that we experienced over the weekend, especially in the Beaufort-Delta.
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions

Jackie Jacobson Nunakput
Mr. Speaker, is the Minister able to get us some starting staff and paying maybe a little bit of overtime to start getting the sweepers out at seven o’clock in the morning instead of eight, to make sure that runway is open so the planes could land? It wasn’t only the high winds and the cross-winds. The friction on the aircraft, the weight and balance issues, Mr. Speaker. Is it possible to get the Minister to let the department in Inuvik at the airport start at an earlier time? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
Mr. Speaker, I am not sure where the Member is getting the indication that we are not allowing our people to work overtime. We provide all the resources to ensure that the
aircraft that can land, that we have the right landing conditions. This year and over the last three years, we have been challenged with conditions that reduce the friction. That concerns the carriers. We have tried all types of methods to improve that. We have utilized our resources a lot more than we did historically, including the use of sand. We have tripled the amount of sand that we use on this airport. We certainly need to revisit the challenges that are being brought forward by climate change, where we have conditions of unusually warm weather followed by a decrease and a drop in temperature that freezes the moisture that is on the runways. That may be a requirement for us to look at using rather than sand and dry chemicals. We may have to look at de-icing through liquid form. We are trying to address the issue. There are challenges in doing so. Thank you.
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions

Jackie Jacobson Nunakput
Mr. Speaker, why is it we are getting so much frost on the runway? I heard reports. It is not only the condensation. Are there any chemicals that were put on there by the Canadian military regarding the CF-18s? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
Mr. Speaker, all the information points to the issues being brought forward by climate change. We had zero degrees temperature for several days followed by extreme cold in that area. We have this year applied 230 tonnes of sand where historically we have provided 50. You can tell that there are some challenges in dealing with ice conditions. We need to look at what are the jurisdictions doing and including some testing of our own to try to address the issue as we feel that this is going to be an ongoing issue occurring every year. Thank you.
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions

Jackie Jacobson Nunakput
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. You know that having that airport open 24 hours a day is a main key to the Beaufort-Delta in regards to the communities of Inuvik and all the surrounding communities because of the air medevacs and the jet service and that not having any flights per day causes havoc. We had over 200 people stranded in Inuvik. Mr. Speaker, can the Minister commit to me today to talking to the department regional superintendent in Inuvik to see what we can do if they have to start early, and is he willing to do that in regards to getting a commitment from him? Thank you.
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
Mr. Speaker, we have to make sure that we identify the difference between what happened over the weekend with the high winds and what’s been happening on the days that we have warm temperatures at the Inuvik Airport.
This weekend, as the Member is indicating, there were a lot of cancellation of flights. We have no
control over that. The runway was dry, the runway was extremely good for landing conditions, it was as a result of the high winds. The airport was open and there was no concern over the staff hours at that point.
If there is an issue that the Member is wanting us to address over and above what we’re doing, we’d be glad to sit down and talk about the circumstances. We provide overtime, we provide materials, we have provided a lot of extra this year and we’ll continue to do so. We’ve committed to meet with the municipality, the town council in Inuvik and we will continue to have our staff available for discussion on this issue. Thank you.
Question 546-16(5): Beaufort-Delta Flight Disruptions
Oral Questions
Question 547-16(5): Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Oral Questions

Bob Bromley Weledeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to follow up with my Member’s statement with questions to the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. First I’d like to ask the Minister to explain his actions on the granting of a 147 square kilometre lease in the Norman Wells block transfer area. Since the Minister thoroughly informed himself of his powers and obligations before signing this lease, what particular legislative, regulatory and policy references guided the Minister in the lease of this land, which the sole unclaimed lands in the block land transfer are surrounding the community of Norman Wells, to a private interest? Thank you.
Question 547-16(5): Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Bromley. The honourable Minister responsible for Municipal and Community Affairs, Mr. Robert McLeod.
Question 547-16(5): Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Oral Questions

Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Norman Wells Land Corporation made application for this land and we had a look at the application. All the proper processes were followed and so the land was hereby leased to the Norman Wells Land Corporation.
So I can assure the Member, regardless of what he says and the accusations he makes about a deficient application having not seen it, then I can assure the Member that all proper processes were followed. Thank you.
Question 547-16(5): Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Oral Questions

Bob Bromley Weledeh
Thank you. I have seen a lot of documentation here provided by the community. The departmental correspondence indicates that beyond standard leasing conditions, the terms and conditions of the lease are confidential under the ATIPP legislation. Without being able to see the lease, this probably means that the conditions fall under the category for proprietary business information, but a development proposal is hardly confidential business information. It’s essential
public knowledge for review of a proposed land use. If there is no development proposal and the land is just being held for future development, this is speculation. So which is it, Mr. Speaker, a secret business scheme or a land grab for speculation? Thank you.
Question 547-16(5): Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Oral Questions

Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes
Thank you. The Norman Wells Land Corporation has indicated that they want to use the land for future economic base for their membership and they do have some ideas as to what they want to use the land for. Obviously if they go to develop it in the future, there are a few issues that need to be taken care of and the appropriate bodies have to be applied to, but they have made it quite clear that this land is supposed to be and they have a future economic base for their constituents. They also have indicated preliminarily what they want to use the land for. Again, I will say for the fifth time, they’ve met all the proper processes in the disposal of Commissioner’s land. Thereby the land was leased to the Norman Wells Land Corporation. Thank you.
Question 547-16(5): Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Oral Questions

Bob Bromley Weledeh
Thank you. In my humble opinion, it certainly did not meet all those requirements and I will be asking this government to include in the review the specifics of this case. So I’m wondering if the Minister can confirm that his review of the leasing policies of this government will include a specific review of the processes in this case and the ethics that were followed in doing this. Thank you.
Question 547-16(5): Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Oral Questions

Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes
The Member is throwing accusations out there and talking about ethics and I take offense to that. All the proper processes were followed, it came down to -- and I’ve heard from folks in Norman Wells -- the fact they just don’t like it and in the words of one member of the Norman Wells Community Council, we got beat to the punch. That’s the basis for all of this. If there needs to be a transparent review of how this land was disposed of, we welcome that, because all proper processes were followed. Thank you.
Question 547-16(5): Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Oral Questions
Question 547-16(5): Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Oral Questions

Bob Bromley Weledeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Again, I disagree with the Minister. The community put in their interest for this land in 2002. So the Minister knows full well that they have expressed a long-term interest in this.
Mr. Speaker, the Minister has given away all of the land surrounding this community. There are no options for this community. Do we not have a fiduciary role to our municipalities and how much trust can we expect from our municipalities in the future as a result of this action? Thank you.
Question 547-16(5): Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Oral Questions

Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes
Thank you. The Member disagrees with the Minister because he doesn’t like it either, as he disagrees with a lot of
things that go on in this Legislative Assembly. Mr. Speaker, the land in question is not going to impede the Norman Wells community from expanding. There’s still plenty of Commissioner’s land within the municipal boundaries. The Norman Wells Land Corporation saw an opportunity to acquire some land for the future of their people and what they want to do with them, so they made application. The application was reviewed. Hereby they now have the land.
Again I say, Mr. Speaker, that all the proper processes in this particular case were followed and it just came down to the fact that they didn’t like it. Thank you.
Question 547-16(5): Norman Wells Block Land Transfer Lease
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Member for Yellowknife Centre, Mr. Hawkins.
Question 548-16(5): Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Oral Questions

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement today I talked about the concerns, but certainly with support, for the single bag program that really I think demonstrates good environmental stewardship and I think makes a lot of sense when it comes to plastic bags. I’ve heard a lot of people, if not every person I’ve spoken to on this particular issue, that they do support the initiative that is targeting plastic bags.
Mr. Speaker, where the concern arises from people is many people have been shocked, or certainly taken by surprise in one manner or another, that paper bags are included. I’m wondering if the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources can explain the rationale as to why paper bags were included in this particular levy when most people feel that they are recyclable and biodegradable and they don’t even meet what would be considered good stewardship of our environment. Thank you.
Question 548-16(5): Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. The honourable Minister responsible for Environment and Natural Resources, Mr. Miltenberger.
Question 548-16(5): Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Oral Questions

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. When we looked at the lifecycle of the plastic bag, the paper bag and even the ones that are called biodegradable bags and compared it to the lifecycle of reusable bags, clearly all three were found wanting in comparison to the reusable, and that while paper may biodegrade in a landfill somewhat faster than other products, it takes more energy to produce and ship, it weighs more and in effect causes just as much waste or more than plastic because it’s bulkier. In fact, we have an initiative currently underway in its second phase where we are canvassing the North to see what interests there are and what options and innovations are there to deal with some of the
massive amounts of paper products that we now currently put into our landfills. This is one way to reduce some of that burden on our landfills. Thank you.
Question 548-16(5): Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Oral Questions

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre
Thank you. I wouldn’t disagree with the Minister on his comments about is it waste and is it needless waste, and I’m paraphrasing, in my own way, that more bags are probably bad. I think that that’s a common understanding out there, but the problem is, I don’t think people understood when they were supporting the bag levy process and certainly the reduction initiative, that paper bags were included in this particular initiative.
Mr. Speaker, in going forward on this particular case, is the Minister’s department going to do further work on this initiative? Would he be willing to inquire with the everyday citizen, and I’m trying to step aside from these special interest groups, would he inquire with the everyday citizen as to what type of cost this has on the lives of Northerners, what type of impact on the cost of living has it affected Northerners? Thank you.
Question 548-16(5): Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Oral Questions

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha
Thank you. I would suggest it’s had a marginal and probably positive impact on the overall broad cost of living in the Northwest Territories. This is entirely a voluntary fee. People do not have to use plastic bags or buy bags at the store. As well, we also know that we are extending the life of our landfills, which has a significant cost for all of us who are dealing with Municipal and Community Affairs. You look at the cost of maintaining landfills and putting new ones in place, it is significantly less burden on the environment, as the Member himself pointed out in his comments, where you see bag products scattered across the landscape no matter which community or how far north, south, east or west you go.
Question 548-16(5): Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Oral Questions

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre
Undoubtedly the Minister and I are certainly on the same page on this particular issue. I believe in the reduction initiative. That shouldn’t be confused over the concern that’s been raised to me, the fact that paper bags have been included. That’s really the particular issue, which is what type of consultation specifically pointed to paper bags would be part of the reduction initiative that the 25 cent levy would be applied to them outside of the average special interest group which was fully in support of banning practically everything.
Question 548-16(5): Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Oral Questions

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha
The work we’ve done in this area has been I think very successful. There’s been significant consultation and the recognition that there are, in this particular issue, three types of bags that are clogging up the landfills and scattered across the countryside. Paper, while in some people’s mind it may be something that’s seen as what’s the problem, is very energy intensive, it’s bulky, it takes up a lot of
waste that when you combine it with all the other paper product waste -- for example, the tons and tons of paper generated by business and government or the wastepaper products with cardboard in them -- it’s an enormous impact and negative impact on our environment. This adds together to help us address that issue.
Question 548-16(5): Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Oral Questions
Question 548-16(5): Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Oral Questions

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’m in full support of reduction where we can and certainly where it makes sense. The question I really have now for the Minister is: is part of this program, what type of analysis and evaluation was ever taken into consideration about the spurred off, unforeseen industry of making all these recyclable bags that people now have tons of and in the sense that instead of using paper bags as a clear, biodegradable, environmentally sound, reasonable option, a lot of people are now buying all these multiple bags or getting stuck with them when they go to conferences and meetings? It’s created an industry in itself. Did the department do any type of evaluation in that regard?
Question 548-16(5): Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Oral Questions

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha
I will commend the Member for taking full advantage of the niche opportunity that appeared as I am as well a personal recipient of some of the bags that he’s put out as Member for Yellowknife Centre. I think he’s to be commended for that. We know just on the plastic bags alone, that we’ve eliminated millions and millions and millions of bags from the environment and replaced them with reusable bags that have a much greater life expectancy and are reusable. I think it’s a very good step and I know the Member fully supports that.
Question 548-16(5): Waste Reduction And Recovery Program Fees For Paper Bags
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. The honourable Member for Great Slave, Mr. Abernethy.
Question 549-16(5): Northern Nurse Development Programs
Oral Questions

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister of Health and Social Services and follow up on my Member’s statement. I know we have a lot of hard decisions coming at us with respect to health and social services as the system evolves and becomes more affordable. Clearly, without question, our training programs need to be considered and reviewed as well. I just want to make sure that we’re reviewing them with full knowledge.
As I’ve indicated earlier, the CHN development program, the stats speak for themselves. Things like the NP are a little bit more questionable and I think if we’re going to be reviewing things like the NP program, or, rather, the department’s going to
be reviewing the NP program, we need to make sure that we’re doing it fairly. The intent of the program and what the college is doing is northern training for northern nurses for northern jobs is why we’re running the Nurse Practitioner Program. The college is doing that, there’s no question in my mind. Health and social services on the other side has to employ these nurse practitioners. I’m not sure that is necessarily happening.
My question for the Minister is: what is the Department of Health and Social Services doing, what work are they doing with the nurse practitioner students currently at Aurora College to help them transition into northern employment with us as nurse practitioners? What is the department doing? Have they met with the students? Are they doing grad placement with them? How are they going to ensure that those northern nurses practise nurse practitioner in the Northwest Territories?
Question 549-16(5): Northern Nurse Development Programs
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Abernethy. The honourable Minister responsible for Health and Social Services, Ms. Lee.
Question 549-16(5): Northern Nurse Development Programs
Oral Questions

Sandy Lee Range Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to thank the Member for the information he provided in his Member’s statement, because it is information that we are aware of. We had our briefing session on that. We are aware of the successes and challenges in the human resource programs that we have for the health care professionals. As the Member stated, I’d like to confirm that we are reviewing the program. We have to look at it fairly and comprehensively because we do have limited dollars, but at the same time we need to meet our priorities. So we will continue with that review.
With respect to the Nurse Practitioner Program, obviously I’m very interested in making sure that the program we fund to train these people will translate into employable positions within our system. We will evaluate that and monitor that and take actions accordingly.
Question 549-16(5): Northern Nurse Development Programs
Oral Questions

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
Thanks to the Minister for that. My question was a little bit more focused on the current class. Right now if we’re going to evaluate the Nurse Practitioner Program and the end result is that the northern nurses don’t want to work in the Northwest Territories, I question the value of the program at all. If it turns out that the northern nurses do want to practise as nurse practitioners in the Northwest Territories but we’re not offering them employment, that doesn’t mean the program is a failure, it means we haven’t done our job of helping them transition in.
I talked to one of the nurse practitioners this weekend and she indicated to me that nobody from the department has talked to them at all. Nobody’s gone to the school to talk to the nurse practitioners about future employment. If we’re going to fairly assess this program and evaluate its future, I think
we need to make every effort to make sure that we’re meeting with those people and helping them transition into employment to meet the need and intent of the program as it was originally designed.
Going back to my original question: is the department planning to go to the college and meet with these students and talk about future employment for nurse practitioners outside of Yellowknife? Hay River, Fort Smith, Inuvik, smaller communities? Even Yellowknife. Is that going to happen?
Question 549-16(5): Northern Nurse Development Programs
Oral Questions

Sandy Lee Range Lake
Placing all of those nurse practitioner grads into our system would require partnership between the department and the government as an employer and the graduating students. I could tell you that we have a history of really good work in employing those nurse practitioners coming out of Aurora College. We have enough nurse practitioner positions within the whole Territory to employ every one of them if they wanted a job. It is difficult to always match nurse practitioners and other health care professionals who graduate from our education system into the exact positions and communities that they would like to have.
Earlier in the House I committed to meeting with the nurse graduates of Aurora College. I’ve e-mailed them and they said they’ll get back to me. They were very excited to hear about that. I would commit to doing the same thing with the nurse practitioners.
Question 549-16(5): Northern Nurse Development Programs
Oral Questions

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
I fully understand the challenges of trying to place nurses and nurse practitioners in the system and I’m very pleased that the Minister is committing to meet with or have her staff meet with the nurse practitioner students. I know they’d like that as well.
Secondary, sort of, to this is the IAP Program, it’s delivered by the same instructors who deliver the Nurse Practitioner Program and it’s all interrelated with the Community Health Nurse Development Program. For instance, IAP is an integral part to the CHN Development Program. My question to the Minister is: after the assessment, if the program is going to be eliminated, Nurse Practitioner, will there be additional consideration given the IAP to make sure that we continue to deliver it in some capacity? We need to think long term on this one. This is long-term planning. That program is critical. All nurses that work in health centres need it or should have it. The CHN Development Program is dependent on it. I’d like to know that it’s going to be given some consideration separate and above and apart from the Nurse Practitioner Program as well.
Question 549-16(5): Northern Nurse Development Programs
Oral Questions

Sandy Lee Range Lake
The short answer is yes, we would review each program separately and give them all due consideration. Just for the record, I think we should make it clear that a decision has not been made to discontinue the Nurse
Practitioner Program. We did let them know that current funding commitment is until 2012 but, as the Member knows, because we had an in-depth briefing, we are reviewing the entire, well, we’re reviewing the Human Resource Training Program that we have with Department of Health and Social Services, not only because we’re always under financial constraints, but also because we want to make sure that the people we train are in line with the demands of the jobs that our system needs.
As I stated in our briefing session, we do need nurses and there are practitioners, but we’re also in need of other health care professionals such as home care workers, dental therapists. We need more people to be trained in counselling. We need personal attendants to get ready for the two long-term care facilities that we’re building in Behchoko and Norman Wells. As the Minister and as a department and as the government, we want to review who we are training so that they’re in line with the needs of jobs that are coming forward for the next number of years.
Question 549-16(5): Northern Nurse Development Programs
Oral Questions
Question 549-16(5): Northern Nurse Development Programs
Oral Questions

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I agree with everything that the Member is saying. We have to look at the system as a whole. I think that’s where I started my whole statement from. What I’m suggesting now is that it’s important when you’re looking at the NP and IAP as one program that you don’t think of them just as one program. They are two different programs and they need to be considered that way. Ultimately I support the Nurse Practitioner Program and don’t want to see it go anywhere. My question to the Minister was: will she look at the IAP as part of the whole, but also as an independent, important aspect of a separate program, the Community Health Nurse Program?
Question 549-16(5): Northern Nurse Development Programs
Oral Questions

Sandy Lee Range Lake
Yes, I said yes, and I’ll say it again. I understand the challenge that the Member is pointing out is the fact that right now we block fund the program to Aurora College. Yes, I will commit to reviewing that separately on the merit of each program.
Question 549-16(5): Northern Nurse Development Programs
Oral Questions
Question 550-16(5): Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Oral Questions

Tom Beaulieu Tu Nedhe
Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement I talked about the need for a winter road to Lutselk’e. I have questions for the Minister of Transportation on that. Will the Minister direct his staff to start working on the possibility of a winter road with the community within the next few weeks?
Question 550-16(5): Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. The honourable Minister responsible for Transportation, Mr. Michael McLeod.
Question 550-16(5): Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Oral Questions

Michael McLeod Deh Cho
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Constructing a winter road into Lutselk’e is not something that we have on our capital plan at this point. We’d have to have further discussion as to routes that the Member or the community is considering and the rationale behind it.
Question 550-16(5): Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Oral Questions

Tom Beaulieu Tu Nedhe
Will the Minister work with his department and the community to complete a feasibility study of a winter road to Lutselk’e?
Question 550-16(5): Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Oral Questions

Michael McLeod Deh Cho
As the Member knows, there are challenges in looking at construction of an ice road over the lake to Lutselk’e. There are serious issues when it comes to ice conditions and pressure ridges and things of that nature. There’s also the safety of travellers on a lake the size of the Great Slave Lake. We are also monitoring the possibility of future development such as Avalon, which is in a stage where it’s still being considered as to what their plans will be in the long term. We can certainly start looking at routes that might be preferred, that would work, and start costing them out, but it would be very preliminary at this point.
Question 550-16(5): Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Oral Questions

Tom Beaulieu Tu Nedhe
Will the Minister work with the community, then, to determine those routes looking at all the routes? In my discussions with community members, I’ve been given three or four different options, maybe even five different options on what they said would be good routes. Everybody has their reason for doing it. I recognize that the Minister has responded to me in the past about pressure ridges on the lakes. A lot of the possibilities are over land. Can the Minister work with the community to determine the routes and look at all the routes?
Question 550-16(5): Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Oral Questions

Michael McLeod Deh Cho
We certainly can undertake to do what the Member has requested. There are serious challenges, of course, as to what the mines or exploration companies are going to be doing and that would be something we’d have to have a lot better information. We also would be challenged as to how we would pay for such a road that the Member is suggesting. Those things have to be looked at. I don’t have any problem directing our staff to start having those discussions with communities. There may be other routes that haven’t been considered yet and we’d like to look at that, if we can get that time to discuss it with the members of his community. Thank you.
Question 550-16(5): Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Oral Questions
Question 550-16(5): Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Oral Questions

Tom Beaulieu Tu Nedhe
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the Minister take a look at the preliminary possibilities in the infrastructure plan to construct a winter road in the next capital planning process? Thank you.
Question 550-16(5): Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Oral Questions

Michael McLeod Deh Cho
I can commit to the Member that we can do some class D costing of what it would take to build a winter road to his community and maybe look at a number of scenarios to see what we’re spending now and what it would cost to do a winter road overland to his communities. Thank you.
Question 550-16(5): Winter Road To Lutselk’e
Oral Questions
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions

Kevin A. Menicoche Nahendeh
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. The Minister of Transportation and I have many debates and discussions over Highway No. 7 and I’d like to continue that once again.
This fall he had indicated that there was an engineering study done on Highway No. 7, some samplings of geotechnical work. I just want to know the results of it and was there a report that was completed on that. Mahsi cho.
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. The honourable Minister of Transportation, Mr. Michael McLeod.
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Member is right; we have had a lot of discussion on this issue and I’m surprised he’s back requesting information again, with a little more drama this time. Mr. Speaker, we have budgeted $12 million for a three-year period for Highway No. 7. We have done a lot of the work that we have indicated. There is still a lot of work that has to be done. Some of the geo-assessments have been done. The survey work has been done for the most part. We can provide that to the Member in writing. I believe we had this same discussion when we dealt with our capital budget, Mr. Speaker.
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions

Kevin A. Menicoche Nahendeh
He had indicated that the engineering study was completed. I was just wondering how much additional work was pinpointed by that study and which areas would be worked on this year. Thank you.
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
Mr. Speaker, as the Member knows, the Highway No. 7 is at the point of its life where it needs to be totally reconstructed. That is going to cost roughly $250 million or close to that amount. Mr. Speaker, we have identified several areas that we’re going to be working on and focusing on this year. There is some work that’s going to be done at kilometre 76 to develop a quarry, we’re going to be doing some work from kilometres 20 to 37, and doing some embankment investigation and some construction at kilometre 170. Those are the areas that we have targeted for this year. I think, Mr. Speaker, there are some areas that will be carried over from last year that we have to also accommodate in this year’s construction season. Thank you.
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions

Kevin A. Menicoche Nahendeh
Then the answer is easy: we just have to request $250 million from the capital planning process. Just moving forward, though, Mr. Speaker, I know that the residents of Fort Liard and Fort Simpson travel quite a bit in between. I would like to thank him for the update on the plans; however, the section from the B.C. border to Fort Liard is something that the Fort Liard residents are really interested in chipsealing or else some other alternative methods. Are there any plans to look at that? Thank you.
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
Mr. Speaker, we certainly can look at the condition of the road and provide what was targeted for investment for that section. Mr. Speaker, in the Member’s statement he indicated that there were bathtub-sized holes in the road. He forgets I also drive on that road on occasion and I have never seen a bathtub-sized pothole on Highway No. 7. That’s not to say that it has its challenges, especially in the spring, and we’re probably going to be hearing a lot more as we move into the spring thaw and the condition of this road deteriorates and we have huge issues. It’s going to warrant further investment.
The B.C. government has earmarked some dollars for their section of the road. They, of course, are investing in the road because of the forestry development that’s happening in their area and also the oil and gas exploration that’s happening on the B.C. side. We don’t have that to encourage us or to convince our federal counterparts for investment, so it’s difficult. The Member is indicating he would want to request $250 million. He’d have to get in line as there’s a very limited budget we have of capital and huge needs. It’s a challenging situation that we’re in. Thank you.
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions

Kevin A. Menicoche Nahendeh
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Just in terms of chipsealing, will the Minister and his department consider a chipsealing project if the municipality of Fort Liard actually moves towards chipsealing their main street? They may have a plan for this summer and an opportunity, because the chipsealing machine will be there to do some of the highway towards the B.C. border at that time. Thank you.
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
Mr. Speaker, we always try to take the opportunity, when the equipment is in the area, to work with communities to provide them with the information of what work will be done and what we can accommodate while the machine and equipment has the opportunity to do some chipsealing. Our intention, of course, is to try to get the whole road reconstructed first and then provide chipsealing. We are also focusing to do that in other areas of the NWT, but just to find adequate resources to reconstruct some of these
roads is proving very challenging and it may take some time.
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Member for Hay River South, Mrs. Groenewegen.
Question 552-16(5): Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Oral Questions

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement I was talking about alcohol ignition interlock devices. The Motor Vehicles Act was amended in 2003. I would like to ask the Minister of Transportation is there any provision in legislation or regulation for a judge to order that a person can have their driver’s licence reinstated once an alcohol ignition interlock device is installed in their vehicle. Thank you.
Question 552-16(5): Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. The honourable Minister of Transportation, Mr. Michael McLeod.
Question 552-16(5): Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
Mr. Speaker, I don’t believe we have any legislation that will allow a judge to order an ignition interlock on vehicles at this point. Thank you.
Question 552-16(5): Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Oral Questions

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South
As I said in my Member’s statement, I don’t condone people drinking and driving, but these devices must have some merit, because it seems like it is possible for those to be ordered in other jurisdictions. Was it ever the intention of the Department of Transportation to create a regulation in concert with the Motor Vehicles Act that would have seen such a device as an alternate to a person’s licence being completely suspended? Thank you.
Question 552-16(5): Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
Mr. Speaker, we haven’t considered amendments to the legislation as of yet and it may be a challenge to do so as we have conditions that other jurisdictions don’t have. We have minus 40 below weather and this could be a real challenge with the equipment. We don’t have licensed mechanics to install this device on vehicles in all our communities and any time there’s a malfunction, this would be an issue. At this point we’re looking at it. We don’t have all the answers and we’re not considering it until we can have further research on how it would work. Thank you.
Question 552-16(5): Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Oral Questions

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South
Mr. Speaker, I’d like to ask the Minister is this something that would have to be changed in legislation or is this something that might have already been contemplated in legislation in some form and it could be done by a regulation, which would be much less onerous. Thank you.
Question 552-16(5): Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
I’d have to confirm, but I believe it would require changing the Motor Vehicles Act. Thank you.
Question 552-16(5): Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Oral Questions
Question 552-16(5): Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Oral Questions

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Is this something that the Minister would consider pursuing? Thank you.
Question 552-16(5): Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Oral Questions
Deh Cho

Michael McLeod Minister of Transportation
Mr. Speaker, we are looking at it already. We have looked at the device and try to see if it would work in the conditions that we live in. At this point, we are not convinced it will work. However, we will study options, if not this particular device, then maybe there are other things out there that could work to allow certain individuals to keep their jobs or whatever the case may be. We will continue to monitor. We will continue to research it and share the information with the Member. Thank you.
Question 552-16(5): Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices
Oral Questions
Question 553-16(5): Corrections Program Review
Oral Questions

David Ramsay Kam Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to follow up again today on my Member’s statement, and again I have some more questions to the Minister of Justice on the corrections program review. I would like to thank the Minister for getting me a copy of that, but, of course, having a copy of that leads to many more questions. I would like to begin by asking the Minister a question. Of the 18 recommendations that are contained in the report, which ones have been actioned on or is there a plan to enact any of those recommendations in that plan? Thank you.
Question 553-16(5): Corrections Program Review
Oral Questions
Question 553-16(5): Corrections Program Review
Oral Questions

Jackson Lafferty Minister of Justice
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Part of the plan is we will be acting on amending some of the policies and programs in place. There have been recommendations brought forward to our attention. My department is going through each and every recommendation on which ones should be expedited and others might take a bit longer time. We will be going through each recommendation and see which recommendations we could implement right away. We will be informing the Members as we progress. Mahsi.
Question 553-16(5): Corrections Program Review
Oral Questions

David Ramsay Kam Lake
Mr. Speaker, I’d hope that the department could come forward with an action plan. The review itself is now two and a half years old. I think the department needs to work with the Standing Committee on Social Programs to make sure that the recommendations that are there -- and there are 18 of them. They are all good recommendations, Mr. Speaker, but some of them certainly stick out a little bit more than others. I would like to get a commitment from the Minister to work with the Standing Committee on Social Programs to go through the recommendations and
develop an action plan on following that up. Thank you.
Question 553-16(5): Corrections Program Review
Oral Questions

Jackson Lafferty Minister of Justice
Mr. Speaker, it has always been part of the plan. When recommendations come up, whether it be these 18 recommendations focusing on improving offender supervision and rehabilitation, I can go make some changes to our programming. Then we need to inform the Members and work with the Members on identifying certain areas where they have concerns or issues. We need to hear from the Members, as well, or ideas being generated by the Members. That can be integrated into our changes or amendments that we are going to be making to our programming. By all means, we will be working with the Social Programs committee on this particular piece of work. Mahsi.
Question 553-16(5): Corrections Program Review
Oral Questions

David Ramsay Kam Lake
Mr. Speaker, I was wondering if the Minister could share with us what he feels the department’s priorities are when it comes to those 18 recommendations. Thank you.
Question 553-16(5): Corrections Program Review
Oral Questions

Jackson Lafferty Minister of Justice
Mr Speaker, the 18 recommendations, as I stated, we are as a department going through each and every item and highlighting which areas should be expedited or, I guess, delivered immediately. Those are areas that we can share with the standing committee. The rest, if it is a long-term strategy, then we need to highlight those as a second phase and a third phase. We will be sharing that information with the standing committee. Mahsi.
Question 553-16(5): Corrections Program Review
Oral Questions
Question 553-16(5): Corrections Program Review
Oral Questions

David Ramsay Kam Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It has been two and a half years. Again, I think it is very important that the Minister and the Department of Justice get together with the standing committee and develop an action plan on how we move this forward, how those recommendations are acted upon. Again I want to ask the Minister if this work can be concluded by the end of the life of this government, which is September. Thank you.
Question 553-16(5): Corrections Program Review
Oral Questions

Jackson Lafferty Minister of Justice
Mr. Speaker, although it has taken over two years, we want to have a program that is beneficial and that will resolve some issues or concerns are being brought to our attention through these 18 recommendations. We want to have the best product that is suitable to improve the offender supervision and also rehabilitation. The Member has alluded to rehabilitation on numerous occasions. We want to have the best product that we can deliver. That is probably why it is taking us some time, but we are coming to a conclusion in that respect. One of the goals, of course, either at the end of this Assembly or into the new 17
Assembly, but this is one of our
priorities that we want to start working on. Mahsi.
Question 553-16(5): Corrections Program Review
Oral Questions

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. Item 8, written questions. Item 9, returns to written questions. Item 10, replies to opening address. Item 11, petitions. Item 12, reports of standing and special committees. The honourable Member for Kam Lake, Mr. Ramsay.
Committee Report 7-16(5): Report On The Review Of Bill 16, An Act To Amend The Dog Act
Reports of Standing and Special Committees

David Ramsay Kam Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Standing Committee on Economic Development and Infrastructure is pleased to provide its report on Bill 16, an Act to Amend the Dog Act, and commends it to the House. Thank you.
The Standing Committee on Economic Development and Infrastructure is pleased to report on Bill 16, An Act to Amend the Dog Act.
The interest in and response to this Bill from both within and outside the Northwest Territories was unprecedented. The committee held public hearings on Bill 16 in Yellowknife, Hay River and Inuvik between January 13 and 19, 2011, and in Fort Smith on February 10, 2011. All of the public hearings were very well attended. The committee would like to thank all hearing participants, as well as everyone who sent in written submissions.
The committee’s clause-by-clause review of the bill took place on February 23, 2011. During this review, the committee passed 12 motions to amend the bill. The Minister concurred with all of these amendments. Following the clause-by-clause review, a motion was carried to report Bill 16, as amended and reprinted, as ready for consideration in Committee of the Whole.
Locally Accepted and Traditional Practices
The most controversial and debated provisions of Bill 16 were the two clauses providing exemptions for locally accepted and traditional practices. The first occurred in proposed Section 3, which sets out dog owners’ duty of care to provide adequate food, water, care, shelter, ventilation, space and protection from heat and cold. Proposed subsection 3(2) provided that a dog owner did not fail in his or her duty of care by treating a dog “in accordance with generally accepted local or traditional practices of dog care, use and management.”
The second of these clauses occurred in proposed Section 4, which prohibits permitting or causing distress to dogs. Proposed subsection 4(3) provided that the prohibition on permitting or causing distress to dogs did not apply if the distress resulted from activities carried on “in accordance
with generally accepted local or traditional practices of dog care, use and management.”
An overwhelming number of presentations and written submissions argued that the two clauses were loopholes that would allow dog abuse to go unpunished, and recommended that the exemptions be removed altogether. Some also took offense to the clauses as they felt they suggested that cruelty to dogs was condoned in traditional Aboriginal societies, which the committee heard clearly was not the case. Instead, the committee heard that although as in any society there were always some people who abused dogs, this was not an accepted norm; rather, most people respected the working dogs they depended on to survive, and cared for them accordingly.
Some people supported the exemptions out of concern that traditionally accepted Aboriginal dog care practices, though not cruel, are different from what Southerners are used to and might be misconstrued as abuse. The concern is that this might result in harvesters being punished or prevented from carrying out traditional activities on the land. As an example of different cultural perspectives on dogs, some people mentioned that practices such as dressing a dog in a sweater or carrying it around in a small bag might also be considered cruel and disrespectful. However, of the people who supported keeping exemptions for local and traditional practices, many were concerned that the wording that appeared in the bill was too vague and would not necessarily be interpreted in keeping with their intent.
During the clause-by-clause review of the bill, the committee and Minister agreed to three amendments to the bill related to this issue.
The first amendment removed the “locally accepted and traditional practice” wording from proposed Section 3, which sets out dog owners’ duties of care, and replaced it with a clause providing that a person does not fail in his or her duty of care by treating a dog in accordance with a municipal bylaw. This amendment is intended to reflect the fact that some communities have bylaws which set out standards of care for dogs, often in more detail than this bill provides, and to defer to those locally set standards.
The second amendment replaced the “locally accepted and traditional practice” wording from proposed Section 4, which prohibits causing or permitting distress, with more specific provisions modeled on the Manitoba Animal Care Act. This section provides an exemption for “accepted activities,” which are harvesting and protection of people from wildlife. Regulations may provide for additional “accepted activities” and may also prohibit specific practices and procedures. Accepted activities must be carried out in a manner that is either consistent with generally accepted
practices and procedures or that is otherwise reasonable in the circumstances. Accepted activities must not be carried out in a manner that causes undue suffering.
The third amendment provided the regulation-making authority for “accepted activities.”
Injurious Heat and Cold
Proposed Section 3 of the bill places a duty of care on owners to protect their dogs from “injurious heat and cold.” During the public review process, there was a great deal of discussion about the difference between breeds such as the Canadian Eskimo Dog, which is well adapted to the northern climate with thick fur and fat layers, and other types of dogs which are now common in the Northwest Territories, but are much less able to withstand the cold. It was generally agreed that “injurious heat or cold” could mean very different things depending on the type of dog.
During the clause-by-clause review of the bill, the committee and Minister agreed to an amendment to specify that “injurious heat or cold” must be interpreted “having regard to the physical characteristics of the dog.” The intent was to provide clear direction to those interpreting and enforcing the act that they must consider an individual dog’s adaptability to heat and cold, rather than, for example, determining that a specific temperature constitutes “injurious” heat or cold in all cases.
Mr. Speaker, I would now like to pass the committee report over to my colleague Mr. Bromley.
Committee Report 7-16(5): Report On The Review Of Bill 16, An Act To Amend The Dog Act
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
Committee Report 7-16(5): Report On The Review Of Bill 16, An Act To Amend The Dog Act
Reports of Standing and Special Committees

Bob Bromley Weledeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Euthanizing Dogs
The committee was made aware of some specific instances of cruelty in the destruction or attempted destruction of dogs. Although euthanization by lethal injection performed by a veterinarian is not an option in most communities, other methods of destroying dogs that are quick and painless are available.
During the clause-by-clause review of the bill, the committee and Minister agreed to an amendment providing that “a person who destroys a dog shall do so in a manner that prevents undue suffering.”
Dogs Running at Large and Dogs in Harness
During the public review process, several people brought to the committee’s attention outdated provisions on owners’ duties to keep their dogs from running at large and restrictions applying to dogs in harness. The committee and Minister agreed to three amendments to address these concerns during the clause-by-clause review of the bill.
Proposed Section 5, which prohibits owners from allowing their dogs to run at large, taken with the current definition of “running at large” in the Dog Act, required owners to have their dogs either muzzled or under physical control at all times. While this is often a requirement of municipal bylaws for public safety reasons, many people argued that it was an unduly onerous standard to apply outside of communities. For example, the provisions would have meant that common practices such as hiking, skiing, hunting, trapping or fishing with dogs off leash in wilderness areas would be in violation of the law.
Two amendments were made to address this issue. The first adds a new definition of “immediate control,” which can include physical control of a dog with a leash or other device, but also includes control through voice commands or other signals. The second amendment changed proposed Section 5 so that “immediate control” is the standard required of dog owners when outside of communities.
Proposed paragraph 6(b) prohibited leaving a dog in harness outside of a municipality except in cases where the dog was muzzled or under the care of someone at least 16 years old. Objections to this provision were that muzzling sled dogs is itself a cruel practice and that dog teams are often capably handled by mushers younger than 16. The amendment to this provision removes the reference to muzzling and the age requirement, and requires instead that dogs in these circumstances be under “the immediate control of a person capable of ensuring that the dog will not harm the public or create a nuisance.”
Other Amendments
Bill 16 provided for maximum fines of $5,000 for a first offence and $10,000 for a second offence. Although many people expressed support for these maximums, some raised concerns that they might be too onerous given the economic conditions in many NWT communities, especially for a first offence. During the clause-by-clause review, the committee and Minister agreed to an amendment that decreases the maximum fine for a first offence to $2,500.
Proposed Section 8.3 also required that a dog taken into custody by an officer be kept for three days before any steps were taken to sell, give away or destroy the dog. Some people were concerned that this process might happen too quickly for an owner to be located and notified, and/or to respond in time. During the clause-by-clause review, the committee and Minister agreed to an amendment to extend the minimum time for keeping a dog in custody to five days. It should be noted that as stated in proposed Section 8.6, municipal bylaws on impounding, selling or destroying dogs that are taken into custody prevail over this act. Therefore, if
a municipal bylaw sets a shorter or longer period for holding a dog in custody before taking further steps, that is the number of days that will apply when a dog is seized under the authority of that bylaw.
In addition to the amendments described above, two amendments of a minor and technical nature were agreed to by the committee and the Minister during the clause-by-clause review.
Other Issues
Although this bill will be an important tool to prevent cruelty to dogs, it is not sufficient in itself. The committee heard that further action by the GNWT will be needed in order to achieve the intent of the legislation. The committee would like to highlight the following issues that were raised during the public review process.
Access to Veterinary Services
Many presentations and submissions called attention to the lack of access to veterinary services in most NWT communities. In particular, the absence of spay and neuter programs was identified as an underlying contributor to cruelty and abuse because it results in so many unwanted puppies. Several people spoke to the success of the mobile vet clinic in the Sahtu that takes place in partnership with the University of Calgary. The committee believes that there are opportunities for similar programs to be established in other regions with minimal or no requirement for GNWT funding.
Recommendation 1
The committee recommends that the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs initiate discussions with stakeholders and veterinary colleges to explore options for expanding access to veterinary services, and in particular spay and neuter programs, throughout the NWT, and where necessary, facilitate the implementation of such options.
Assistance to Community Governments
Committee members were concerned that the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs had not consulted with community governments prior to the introduction of Bill 16 about whether they will have the resources to implement it. For example, communities may not currently have adequate shelters to meet their obligations for dogs taken into custody under the act. Bylaw and dog officers may require training on the new requirements.
Recommendation 2
The committee recommends that the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs consult with community governments prior to the coming into force of the act to ensure they have adequate resources, including staff training, to implement the act.
Mr. Speaker, I will now pass the floor back to my colleague Mr. Ramsay. Thank you.
Committee Report 7-16(5): Report On The Review Of Bill 16, An Act To Amend The Dog Act
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
Committee Report 7-16(5): Report On The Review Of Bill 16, An Act To Amend The Dog Act
Reports of Standing and Special Committees

David Ramsay Kam Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you, Mr. Bromley.
Public Education
One witness began his presentation by stating “I’d just like to touch on a key word and that key word is ‘education.’” The committee heard several comments on the same theme, which spoke to the need for public education on the responsibilities of dog ownership, and on traditional and modern dog care practices in the NWT. A Sahtu-based study provided with one written submission, strongly recommended that such programs target youth, who are often dogs’ primary caregivers.
Recommendation 3
The committee recommends that the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs initiate discussions with stakeholders on the development and delivery of a public education program on dogs, and, if and as appropriate, assist with the development and delivery of such a program.
Comprehensive Animal Protection Legislation
Several presentations and written submissions to the committee advocated for comprehensive animal protection legislation, which already exists in most other Canadian provinces and territories. Such legislation would protect not only dogs but all domestic animals. Currently the only means of prosecuting people who abuse animals other than dogs in the NWT are the Criminal Code provisions, under which it is very difficult to convict offenders.
Once again, the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Infrastructure would like to thank all those who participated in the public hearings on Bill 16 and who provided written submissions. I also want to thank our staff: Ms. Collette Langlois, our director of research; Ms. Jennifer Knowlan, our committee clerk; and Alicia Tumchewics, our committee researcher, for all the work in helping coordinate the public hearings and taking in all the submissions that we received along the way.
The committee is pleased that this bill was brought forward during the life of the 16th Assembly and strongly encourages the government to follow through on its intent by devoting the necessary attention to the implementation of the new Dog Act and other recommendations contained in this report.
Committee Report 7-16(5): Report On The Review Of Bill 16, An Act To Amend The Dog Act
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
Motion To Receive Committee Report 7-16(5) And Move Into Committee Of The Whole, Carried
Reports of Standing and Special Committees

David Ramsay Kam Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Weledeh, that Committee Report 7-16(5) be received by the Assembly and moved into Committee of the Whole for further consideration.
Motion To Receive Committee Report 7-16(5) And Move Into Committee Of The Whole, Carried
Reports of Standing and Special Committees

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. The motion is on the floor. The motion is in order. To the motion.
Motion To Receive Committee Report 7-16(5) And Move Into Committee Of The Whole, Carried
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
Some Hon. Members
Motion To Receive Committee Report 7-16(5) And Move Into Committee Of The Whole, Carried
Reports of Standing and Special Committees

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Question has been called.
Item 13, reports of committees on the review of bills. Item 14, tabling of documents. The honourable Minister responsible for Environment and Natural Resources, Mr. Miltenberger.
Tabled Document 160-16(5): Environment And Natural Resources Framework For Action 2008-2012: Status Report To December 2010
Tabling of Documents

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wish to table the following document entitled Environment and Natural Resources Framework for Action 2008-2012: Status Report to December 2010.
Tabled Document 161-16(5): Auditor General’s Report On The Department Of Health And Social Services Tabled Document 162-16(5): Auditor General’s Report On The Special Audit Of The Deh Cho Bridge Project
Tabling of Documents

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger.
In accordance with Section 30 of the Northwest Territories Act I wish to table the Report of the Auditor General of Canada on Northwest Territories Health Programs and Services, 2011, Department of Health and Social Services, 2010.
In accordance with Section 30 of the Northwest Territories Act I wish to table the Report of the Auditor General of Canada on Northwest Territories Deh Cho Bridge Project 2011 and Department of Transportation.
Tabling of documents. Item 15, notices of motion. The honourable Member for Great Slave, Mr. Abernethy.
Motion 41-16(5): Independent Investigation Of Incident At Stanton Territorial Hospital
Notices of Motion

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I give notice that on Thursday, March 3, 2011, I will move the following motion: I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Nahendeh, that this Legislative Assembly strongly recommends that the Minister of Health immediately order an independent external investigation covering all aspects of the Leishman incident, with recommendations, as necessary, to improve safety and security for all patients and staff and improve the overall quality of care for all patients receiving care with Stanton Territorial Hospital.
Motion 41-16(5): Independent Investigation Of Incident At Stanton Territorial Hospital
Notices of Motion

The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Abernethy. Item 16, notices of motion for first reading of bills. Item 17, motions. Item 18, first reading of bills. Item 19, second reading of bills. Item 20, consideration in Committee of the Whole of bills and other matters: Tabled Document 4-16(5), Executive Summary of the Report of the Joint Review Panel for the Mackenzie Gas Project; Tabled Document 30-16(5), 2010 Review of Members’ Compensation and Benefits; Tabled Document 38-16(5), Supplementary Health Benefits – What We Heard; Tabled Document 62-16(5), Northwest Territories Water Stewardship Strategy; Tabled Document 75-16(5), Response to the Joint Review Panel for the Mackenzie Gas Project on the Federal and Territorial Governments’ Interim Response to “Foundation for a Sustainable Northern Future”; Tabled Document 103-16(5), GNWT Contracts Over $5000 Report, Year Ending March 31, 2010; Tabled Document 133-16(5), NWT Main Estimates 2011-2012; Tabled Document 135-16(5), GNWT Response to CR 3-16(5), Report on the Review of the Child and Family Services Act; Tabled Document 156-16(5), Supplementary Estimates (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 5, 2010-2011; Tabled Document 157-16(5), Supplementary Estimates (Operations Expenditures), No. 3, 2010-2011; Bill 4, An Act to Amend the Social Assistance Act; Bill 14, An Act to Amend the Conflict of Interest Act; Bill 15, An Act to Amend the Fire Prevention Act; Bill 17, An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act; Bill 18, An Act to Repeal the Settlements Act; Bill 19, Municipal Statutes Amendment Act; Bill 20, An Act to Amend the Evidence Act; Minister’s’ Statement 65-16(5), Devolution Agreement-in-Principle, Impact on Land Claims and Protection of Aboriginal Rights; Minister’s’ Statement 88-16(5), Sessional Statement, with Mr. Krutko in the chair.
By the authority given me as Speaker by Motion 31-16(5), I hereby authorize the House to sit beyond the daily hour of adjournment to consider the business before the House.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

The Chair David Krutko
I’d like to call Committee of the Whole back to order. Consideration in Committee of the Whole of bills and other matters: tabled documents 4, 30, 38, 62, 75, 103, 133, 135; Bills 4, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20; Minister’s statements 65 and 88. What is the wish of committee?
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Jane Groenewegen Hay River South
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We would like to continue considering the NWT Main Estimates, 2011-2012. We would like to start off with the Department of Health and Social Services and then go to Justice and the Legislative Assembly; following that, the supplementary appropriations. That would be TD 156 and 157.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Some Hon. Members
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

The Chair David Krutko
I’d like to call the committee back to order. Prior to the break we agreed to continue on with Department of Health and Social Services and the Department of Justice and the Legislative Assembly. With that, at this time I’d like to ask the Minister if she would be bringing in witnesses. Ms. Lee.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Some Hon. Members
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

The Chair David Krutko
Sergeant-at-Arms, escort the witnesses in.
For the record, Ms. Lee, could you introduce your witnesses?
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Sandy Lee Range Lake
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have with me to my right Deputy Minister Paddy Meade. Further right is Mr. Derek Elkin, director of finance. To my left is Mr. Dana Heide, assistant deputy minister of operations.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I seek unanimous consent to go back to page 8-29.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

The Chair David Krutko
The Member is seeking unanimous consent to return to page 8-29. Is committee agreed?
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Some Hon. Members
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Earlier when we were considering this department we had a number of questions that we had asked. I’d like to just follow up on some of those questions.
One of the questions we were asking relates to the Minister’s response to the Child and Family Services review and was about publication information. We had asked for some plain language information, how-to resources, things on the website, pamphlets and whatnot to be done up and it was consistent with one of the recommendations we had in the act. I was wondering if the Minister could tell us if they are going to move on that. Whether we can expect to see some of those plain language how-to guides and resources for print and distribution to people throughout the Northwest Territories done during the 2011-2012 fiscal year.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Sandy Lee Range Lake
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I responded to the chair of Standing Committee on Social Programs on that issue on February 25
indicated that we will implement that.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
So we’re happy to see that commitment. We’re happy that’s going to get done.
The second one we talked about previously was the policy and standards manual. When we were out talking to the people, including staff, it was made clear that a lot of work needed to be done to the policy and standards manuals to make them a little bit more clear, a little bit more plain language, make it easier for the employees to understand, but also clarity for, once again, residents of the Northwest Territories. We were at that time seeking a commitment from the Minister to include these revisions in the 2011-2012 main estimates for completion or at least noticeable completion or progress during the 2011-12 fiscal year. I was wondering if the Premier can let us know the status of that request.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Sandy Lee Range Lake
That item also was requested by the Member in the standing committee and I responded to the standing committee on the same day, February 25
, that we will implement that
within the upcoming 2011-12 fiscal year using our own resources. That would also include consulting with child protection workers and managers. Thank you.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
I’d like to thank the Minister for the commitment to get that done. Once again, I think that’s incredibly important for our users and for the administration of the Child and Family Services Act overall.
Another area that we talked about was obviously a critical area to us, and it’s one of the aspects that made the Child and Family Services Act unique in all of Canada, and that was the establishment of child and family services committees. Currently, there is one child and family service committee in
the Northwest Territories and that’s in Fort McPherson. Yet the act does say that we will have a child and family service committee in all the communities throughout the Northwest Territories. We had asked during our previous discussion that the Minister commit to five. There was some discussion during business planning, I believe it was in the business plans, that the department would work towards having five committees established in the 2011-12 fiscal year, but we didn’t see any budget line for it, and I still don’t see a budget line for it in the main estimates. I’m wondering what is the status of the commitment for five in 2011-12 as outlined in the business plans. Thank you.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Sandy Lee Range Lake
Our commitment is to bring that forward into the next business plan process. Thank you.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
That’s not consistent with what we heard during the business planning process this time. We were under the impression that the department was going to work towards the implementation of five. With one already in place, that means four more. Meaningful work towards implementing four more for a total of five during the 2011-12 fiscal year. I’m curious why that’s gone, why that’s no longer a commitment of the Minister as outlined in the business plans.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Sandy Lee Range Lake
It is consistent with the way the main estimate is presented. There is no money allocated for the children and family services committees. Our response to the recommendation from the committee was that we do appreciate the need for that. We would like to proceed with that but in order to do a proper job of it, we need to get the funding for that. We believe one of the main reasons these committees have not been successful in being established, even though, as the Member states, that these were provided for within the legislation, is because it’s not properly resourced. To be able to do that we believe that it should be presented as a part of the business plan process and properly resourced. For that reason we are making a commitment again that we will present it as a business plan initiative for the next fiscal year, 2012-13, which process would begin almost immediately after the main estimate is approved and finished. Thank you.
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters

Glen Abernethy Great Slave
Mr. Chair, I remain confused. Once again, during the business planning process we understood that the department was committing to making substantial progress towards having five child and family service committees in the Northwest Territories. We didn’t see the budget line in the 2011-12 main estimates, which is why, frankly, we were confused. We fully expected to see that. As I’ve said, it’s an incredibly integral part of the Child and Family Services Act and its implementation. We’re talking about empowering
communities and giving them the ability to help themselves when it comes to child apprehensions. We’re talking about implementing committees which could significantly save us money and improve results for our children, those children that are in jeopardy within the communities.
Frankly, I need to understand how it went from being yes, in the business plans we’re committed, to the main estimates, no evidence of it at all, to now, oh, we’re going to do it in 2012-13. How can the Minister commit the next government? I mean, often I hear we can’t commit the next government to this, that or the other. I’m not confident that by saying today, oh, we’ll do it in 2012-13 means that it’s going to get done. We’d like to see something done now. We would like to see a commitment to move on the child and family services committees as the Minister said she would during the business planning process. Where is the consistency? I don’t understand what I’m being told, Mr. Chair.