This is page numbers 1573 - 1601 of the Hansard for the 13th Assembly, 5th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was community.


Return To Question 621-13(5): Request To Slow Legislative Progress Of Bill C-38
Question 621-13(5): Request To Slow Legislative Progress Of Bill C-38
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1580

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. Oral questions. Supplementary, Mr. Steen.

Supplementary To Question 621-13(5): Request To Slow Legislative Progress Of Bill C-38
Question 621-13(5): Request To Slow Legislative Progress Of Bill C-38
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1580

Vince Steen

Vince Steen Nunakput

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Inuvialuit people in my riding, I wish to thank the Premier and Cabinet, in general, for the support they have shown on this particular situation. As I have stated earlier, for whatever reason, the federal government feels compelled to rush this bill through the House. It may require, at this point in time, a fairly urgent call from the Premier to the federal government in the very near future, to have an effect before the bill is actually passed. I request again, would the Premier consider doing it in the next few days?

Supplementary To Question 621-13(5): Request To Slow Legislative Progress Of Bill C-38
Question 621-13(5): Request To Slow Legislative Progress Of Bill C-38
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1580

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Morin.

Further Return To Question 621-13(5): Request To Slow Legislative Progress Of Bill C-38
Question 621-13(5): Request To Slow Legislative Progress Of Bill C-38
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1580

Don Morin Tu Nedhe

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As the Member knows, the government is very quick in responding to the majority of the concerns raised in this Assembly. As Members know, we do have very effective and efficient staff in our offices upstairs watching these procedures, so through those processes I will request my staff immediately to contact the Department of Renewable Resources and Economic Development to pen a letter immediately for my signature to the federal government, so that within an hour or two I can fax it off. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 621-13(5): Request To Slow Legislative Progress Of Bill C-38
Question 621-13(5): Request To Slow Legislative Progress Of Bill C-38
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1580

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Oral questions. Mr. Miltenberger.

Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1580

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is addressed to the Minister of FMBS in relation to the Ardicom contract and the digital network. I am getting continuing concerns from the local Internet service provider in Fort Smith on this particular contract and the fact that Ardicom is not meeting its deadlines and they are running in direct competition to local service providers. They are downgrading the services that were initially supposed to be part of the contract. The government has not, in fact, followed up on the situations and concerns arising from the meetings this winter that were held with the local service providers. Could the Minster indicate, at this point in time, what is the status of the Ardicom contract and the digital network in terms of having the deal signed and them complying with the terms and conditions? Thank you.

Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1580

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

The Minister of the Financial Management Board, Mr. Todd.

Return To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

John Todd Keewatin Central

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It would be fair to say, there has been a continued concern expressed, not only by some of the community-based providers of communications, but also others within the constituency at large. My staff has had numerous meetings with NorthwesTel and impressed upon them the need for them to move aggressively and meet the deadlines that we have set. If my memory serves me correct, the deadline I had said at the time was we would have this whole system up and running in the majority of the communities by April 1, 1999. Certainly, that was the intent. I do not have before me an up-to-date record to provide my colleague as to where we have successfully or unsuccessfully concluded the digital communication network system, but certainly the intention is and the direction I have given to my department is to put the right kind of pressure and to work in coordination with NorthwesTel to achieve that overall goal of having this communication system up and running by April 1, 1999, in all communities within the territories. Thank you.

Return To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. Oral questions. Supplementary, Mr. Miltenberger.

Supplementary To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

June 2nd, 1998

Page 1581

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In addition to the missed deadlines, there is the issue of Ardicom, in fact, downgrading from fibre optic cables to the existing telephone systems and copper lines and running in direct competition to local service providers contrary to the indication that was given earlier on when this whole project and contract was initiated. Could the Minister, in fact, speak to those concerns? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Todd.

Further Return To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

John Todd Keewatin Central

Mr. Speaker, I am not aware of where that is occurring, but if it is, I think I can probably say I would be disappointed. I do not want to prejudge whether, in fact, that is happening. All I can tell you is that I fundamentally believe a year, a year and a half ago that we would be the anchor tenant, in respect to this communication system and that we would get it up and running. If ever there was a place that the advanced state of the art digital communication system would work, it would be in a country like this. I will check with my staff and see what the status is and if there has been any attempt to downgrade or to give us any less than what we requested, then I will take the appropriate course of action to correct that. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Oral question. Supplementary, Mr. Miltenberger.

Supplementary To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. One of the fundamental issues arising out of this contract is through the back door, the government, NorthwesTel and Ardicom consortiums are, in fact, being given a monopoly and the use of government money to go into communities and undercut local businesses, which I do not think was anybody's intent. Could the Minister also undertake to have his officials look at that very serious consideration? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Todd.

Further Return To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

John Todd Keewatin Central

I know in the previous discussions that were brought to my honourable colleague and my colleague from Inuvik as well, there was some concern about the impact of this overall digital communication network. There was some concern how it would impact upon the local Internet service providers. Again, I would hope that in the discussions that were undertaken with my department's officials and the community providers that we had reached some accommodation here that would not impact on their services. I will have to be brought up-to-date on this issue to determine if, in fact, there is validity to my colleague's question and if there is, I will take the appropriate action necessary to correct it. I will also look into some of the concerns he has expressed with respect to the technology because if we are getting any less than what we have asked for, you have my assurances corrective action will be taken. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Oral questions. Final supplementary, Mr. Miltenberger.

Supplementary To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

Michael Miltenberger

Michael Miltenberger Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to thank the Minister for that response. Could he also add to his list the fact that apparently there was no follow-up from the initially very fruitful gathering of the service providers, Ardicom and government people in Yellowknife, though it was promised? I have forwarded a detailed letter of the concerns to the Minister as of today. Could the Minister commit to responding to me in as timely a fashion as he could to the itemized concerns in that letter when he has an opportunity to review it? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Todd.

Further Return To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1581

John Todd Keewatin Central

Thank you. Yes, Mr. Speaker, I will make every effort to do that. I would again, suggest, I am not up-to-date on this file as of today. I will look into it. There were supposed to be ongoing discussions that were to take place. Now, in any debate, of course, you never satisfy all of the people all of the time. Sometimes, hopefully, you satisfy some of the people, some of the time. It may be a situation like that. As we speak, Mr. Speaker, I am sending a note to my office to get a full briefing tomorrow morning. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Question 622-13(5): Ardicom Digital Network Contract
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1582

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Oral questions. Mr. Krutko.

Question 623-13(5): Support For Mackenzie Delta Tourism
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1582

David Krutko

David Krutko Mackenzie Delta

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Premier regarding my Member's statement on the ability of communities to take on more responsibility in regard to tourism and looking at developing tourism plans and the tourism infrastructure in the communities. Mr. Speaker, regarding my Member's statement, I mentioned the amount of money that is spent in the Yukon for tourism, but in the Northwest Territories, especially in the Mackenzie Delta, we seem to be lacking in the amount of resources that is acceptable for the communities that I represent. I would like to ask the Premier through the Community Empowerment Initiatives of this government and also looking at the possibility of accessing funds from this government, to develop a position for the Mackenzie Delta communities to promote and develop tourism business plans and look at the long term capital for the three communities so we can develop the tourism industry in the Mackenzie Delta. Is that a possibility? Thank you.

Question 623-13(5): Support For Mackenzie Delta Tourism
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1582

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Premier.

Return To Question 623-13(5): Support For Mackenzie Delta Tourism
Question 623-13(5): Support For Mackenzie Delta Tourism
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1582

Don Morin Tu Nedhe

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It is my understanding that there are groups in the western Arctic working with the Arctic Tourism Association or something similar to that. I do not understand the local level of tourism and how it works, where the funding comes from, but I will be pleased to take that question as notice and I will have the Minister respond to the Member directly as soon as possible. Thank you.

Return To Question 623-13(5): Support For Mackenzie Delta Tourism
Question 623-13(5): Support For Mackenzie Delta Tourism
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 1582

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. The question is taken as notice. Oral questions. Mr. Barnabas.