Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I would like to make a reply to the opening address. I would like to make some brief comments since this will be our last sitting here. I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words.
Mr. Speaker, as a Dene, I'm proud of my heritage, and I'm especially proud of our ancestors when I hear the oral history of the people who came before us on this land. Mr. Speaker, we're the original people of this land and all descendants of the Dene should be aware of their heritage, if they're not yet so.
Mr. Speaker, studies now show that there are Dene people not only in the Northwest Territories and in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba, but also in the United States; in states such as Washington, Oregon, up to California, and especially into Arizona and New Mexico. Recently, I had the opportunity to travel into the Navaho country and I believe there are over 400,000 Navaho in the state of Arizona and New Mexico. There are Apaches in New Mexico. They call themselves Dene and their language is very similar to ours, so we have a lot of commonalities in this area.
So, Mr. Speaker, the Dene family is all over North America, whether we came through the Bering Strait as they say, which I disagree with. Perhaps we came from the other way around, from North America into Asia, who really knows, Mr. Speaker. However, there is attempt now, Mr. Speaker, to get all the groups together to find out common roots of the Dene culture. There's a project in progress which the Dene Cultural Institute is doing and it is not different from the Inuit Circumpolar Conference funded by governments. This project is to get the Dene people together for cultural reasons and, perhaps, economic and spiritual reasons. I believe this government should encourage and support this endeavour.
Aboriginal rights and treaty rights is also an area of concern that I've always had, Mr. Speaker. There are land claim negotiations that have been concluded in the north, while others are still going on today. There are treaty land entitlements with the Treaty 8 group and discovery talks are going on with the Deh Cho First Nations. All of these initiatives must be encouraged and supported by this government, Mr. Speaker, and resources should be provided for ongoing discussions. The Deh Cho First Nations, which I'm very familiar with, have been trying, since the AIP was defeated in 1980 for all people, to deal with the federal government. Since last year, they have had two meetings with the federal government.
in the discovery talks. There is still a lot of work to be done, Mr. Speaker.
The history of the aboriginal people in the north goes back beyond the 1960s, but in the 1970s, a lot of development work was started by the Dene and Metis in the Mackenzie Valley. At that time, terminology such as "colonization" and "oppression" were common words used by leaders of the day. It's true that such things are in existence. In fact, Mr. Speaker, I want to say that at one time, as a young man who had long hair, I asked a government official for a job and the answer was: "If you cut your hair, maybe I'll consider hiring you." What is this? What kind of attitude was that? We've gone far beyond that today, Mr. Speaker, but we are not there yet. There is still a long way to go to achieve self-determination for aboriginal people.
We are plugged into the public government system and that still has to be worked out. A lot of things need to be cleared up in the area of treaty and aboriginal issues with this government. That is the kind of work that has to happen in the next few years. This government and the Legislative Assembly have to work with the aboriginal people in the west in future, to try to overcome and clear up the outstanding issues.
This ties into the whole process of the northern accord being discussed yesterday and today in Yellowknife by aboriginal leaders and the government. There is an attempt to move the oil, gas and mineral administration from the federal government to the Northwest Territories, which I'm sure everyone supports. But the question is, once we get it here, who controls it. This is where the dilemma is. There are aboriginal groups who have land claim agreements and have turned over that responsibility to the territorial government. However, there are other groups who have not yet done that yet; namely, the Dogrib, Treaty 8 and the Deh Cho First Nations. There has to be an arrangement struck with these people and the government should not move ahead unless there is consensus by everybody at the table that the northern accord can go ahead.
Moving on to the Education Act, Bill 25, that we're dealing with today, Mr. Speaker. I must honestly say that I feel very uncomfortable with this bill. I think a lot of work still should take place with this bill, mainly because although the official bill was tabled at the end of March and the Standing Committee on Legislation did their work and went into the communities, I think the people in the communities still don't have a grasp on what this bill is about. Even during the last few days, while we have been struggling through this bill in the House, we're still questioning a lot of the clauses and making amendments to try to make it fit with what we're hearing from the communities.
In the Yukon, there is a whole section on aboriginal education in their legislation, which we don't have. Here, we're trying to fit it into a few clauses here and there. I think we should take a closer look at it. I would like to say, Mr. Speaker, that I'm trying to do the best I can as an MLA to try to accommodate the process here, and making changes to the clauses, but I have to honestly say that I'm very uncomfortable with this bill at this point in time.
There is the whole treaty issue as well. In the west, we have two treaties: Treaty 8 and Treaty 11. The history I know from my people is that agreements were made by officials when the treaties were signed in 1921 and 1899 that education would be a right for aboriginal people in the west. The bill attempts to ensure that, but I'm not too sure whether it will accomplish this. The current bill that we're operating under doesn't accommodate that, although we've been able to make amendments to the bill to try to accommodate it. I don't know, after we have struggled through it, how the final bill is going to work and I have some discomfort about that.
I would like to move on to the health issue, Mr. Speaker. In 1988, the health responsibility was transferred over from the federal government to the territorial government, and I recall in the Deh Cho region when this was going on, that the chiefs were very uncomfortable with the process and they established conditions on how that should work. Now these conditions don't seem to apply, they are overlooked and not taken into consideration when health is being discussed in the region.
The health billings dispute is a very serious thing that this government is trying to deal with. I want to commend the Minister of Finance and the people in government for trying to resolve this issue. The onus is on the federal government to provide health services to aboriginal people, treaty people and Inuit. If they are reneging on it, it is their responsibility. The arrangement we have made is the best one we could reach at this point in time, I am told. My concern is that there are conditions for three years, but after that, what happens? I am concerned about the treaty issues. If that is the best we could do, what does it mean in the future for people who say they have aboriginal and treaty rights for health from previous treaties when the non-aboriginal people first started moving into this country?
Also on health issues, in the communities there are less and less doctors and services in terms of medical health; X-rays, blood tests, examinations by physicians, et cetera. Many people from the communities are now flying into Yellowknife.
The idea is to try to get all the specialists in Yellowknife, so people from outlying communities will be flown in to be examined by these doctors. In Fort Simpson, at the airport terminal, there are posters; the school children who go and visit different facilities make posters about it. One of the posters in the airport terminal says the airport is the place you go when you get sick. This is the perception that young people have; when you get sick, you go to the airport. That means you have to fly to Yellowknife. The airport isn't the place you go when you get sick, it should be the hospital or nursing station. That is what is happening with the way health is in the north now.
With regard to Justice, Mr. Speaker, I have to commend the Minister of Justice, Stephen Kakfwi, for the work he has done in this department. In terms of new and innovative approaches to justice, especially the community justice committees, is a good thing. There is one in my constituency in Wrigley and there is one that was just formed in Fort Simpson. They are talking about forming one in Fort Liard. I have to commend the justice specialist who works out of Fort Simpson, who is a former Member of this Legislative Assembly, Mr. Nick Sibbeston. He is doing a fine job.
This new initiative really comes from a lot of different ideas. Earlier I mentioned that I was in Arizona and New Mexico. The first time I went there was with the Minister of Justice and a number of MLAs on a fact-finding tour. We met extensively, all the days we were there, with the different justice systems in the state of Arizona; particularly with the Navajo, who have the their own government and judicial system, right from the Supreme Court judge down to their own police force. So there is an aboriginal community that is doing it on their own. The community justice system is similar to theirs. This is one part of North America where aboriginal people are doing something and we are learning from their experience. This is a good way to learn. The community justice committees are a good way to deal with some of the smaller infractions to the laws that happen in communities, instead of JPs and magistrates dealing with these things. Now it is the community justice committees made up of people from the community such as elders, young people and specialists. They sit down and ask them, for the first time ever, why they broke the law. They counsel them and fine them. This is a very good innovative approach to justice in the north.
The other area in justice I really have a lot of support for is the move towards trying -- instead of warehousing inmates in very expensive facilities with high administrative costs -- to deal with inmates by putting them in bush camps or some place on the land close to the communities, so the communities have input into how inmates are taken care of out on the land, or example.
I would like to make a few comments, Mr. Speaker, on the affirmative action policy. As an aboriginal person, I support the intent of the existing policy. There was a lot of debate in previous assemblies on this whole issue and the reason for this policy...The aboriginal people in the north are the majority in the north, but that isn't reflected in the civil service. The attempt is to reflect the population in the civil service. Some place along the way, the true intent of this policy hasn't been met. We still don't have the numbers of aboriginal people in the civil service. Instead, whenever we try to make change, there are a lot of unforseen consequences that result. Right now, there is a great debate on this issue at the grass-roots level where there is a review on how to address this policy. I agree that this assessment should take place. It is becoming an issue where there are many racial overtones.
There is resentment by non-aboriginal people towards aboriginal people who are placed in certain jobs because of this policy. I know a lot of aboriginal people, especially in the smaller communities, support this policy, yet the media does not get their views aired in public. It is a negative impact on the aboriginal people who get the jobs, in certain cases. They get a hard time from fellow workers because of this. I know there are some aboriginal people who want to get the job on their own merits, and many of them could, without the affirmative action policy. I would just like to reiterate that there has to be a close look at this whole policy and instead of fighting over the affirmative action policy the way it is, we have to look at the intent of this policy to see if it is being met. At the same time, there are side consequences and debate based on racial issues. It is becoming more of a negative policy. We should assess that.
On the housing issue, Mr. Speaker, there has been a very negative impact on housing in the Northwest Territories during this term in government. The reason was that the federal government cut all funding that was previously given to the territorial government to provide houses. In the past, people were given HAP units, home assistance program units, that helped many communities. In terms of housing, we have come a long way in all the communities in the north. As we travel around, we see that there are a lot of very good homes built in the communities. The NWT Housing Corporation has to be commended for all the accomplishments they've achieved in housing.
Getting back to the federal government cuts, it has a very negative impact on the housing in the communities, as well as to this government. This is one of the big reasons that our government is now in a deficit, because of these federal government cuts and we weren't able to get it back from the federal government. Even the funding that goes for the treaty people we weren't able to get in the north. In the south, in the provinces on the reserves where there are treaty Indians, there is funding that goes to them for housing directly from the federal government. Whereas, even though we have treaty people in the Northwest Territories, we don't have that opportunity to access that funding. I don't know why that is. There might be some politics being played between this government and the federal government based on that. But if that's the case, treaty people in the north shouldn't be used as a pawn in that type of politics.
On Economic Development and Tourism, Mr. Speaker, in my constituency people would like a sustainable economy, with maximum economic benefits going to the people of the region. That is the position that people in the region have always taken; that if any types of government contracts or jobs go into the region, they should go to the communities first, then to the region, then after that, go to other people in the north. There are X number of dollars that go into a community or a region, then if the people from the region don't have the size or the equipment or the know-how they don't get it and it goes to places that have those resources.
I know there is a difference of opinion of this particular issue in this House, but that is the position that I have always taken and will always continue to take. In that regard, I think the government policies that govern this have to be looked at and changed to allow the people and the business in the smaller communities to have those opportunities first.
It comes from many years of experience where years ago, funds would go to a region and the people from the region didn't benefit from it. Now, with the tight fiscal position, everybody is really keen at looking at any type of funding that goes into the region. The people in the communities and the regions want to have that opportunity before everybody else to take advantage of whatever is there.
Mr. Speaker, there is oil and gas exploration beginning to happen in my constituency around the community of Fort Liard. This is with the chief and band council, and the whole community is involved in it. This is a major exploration that is going to happen. It started last winter, and this summer and this winter there is going to be massive exploration. I think that this government should work with the community to try to maximize the benefits that this opportunity will provide to this region.
With regard to forestry; the whole Liard Valley in my constituency has a big forest with big trees. There is a lot of potential to develop forestry there. People in Fort Liard, with their resource management committees, have done some studies. They have done some test cuts into some of the areas. They did different types of cuts to show what kind of effect it would have on the forest. I would like to say that what I've seen from the air in the helicopter when I've flown over those areas is that it doesn't seem to have had that much of an impact. But I must qualify that by saying that it was only a small area where they did the test; but if we were to open up the whole area for more of that, I don't know what kind of effect it would have. This is certainly the direction that the community resource management committee is taking in this whole area.
In Fort Simpson, the band also has a resource management committee that was looking into a number of resources; one of them being forestry. Personally, what I would like to see in the Mackenzie Valley is that forestry be developed with community control. This is what the people are saying in that area, that if we could develop the forestry by logging some of the trees and even setting up a sawmill in that area that is controlled by the people in that area. From there, you could go further, getting into more of a sustainable type of wood product industry. Perhaps we could get into doors, windows, frames, furniture or whatever. If you do that, then you're looking at a high upfront cost, even looking at a kiln to dry the boards. So we would be looking at a major operation in that area. We could even go further and get into a chipboard type of mill, which again we would be looking at a very high cost. So we would have our own lumber industry in the north, we would have employment for people there; there are all kinds of different potential opportunities in developing forestry.
The people in the area have been very conscious of that, they've done some work over the years with their resource management committee. Mentioning the resource management committees, unfortunately, Mr. Speaker, the funding that they were working with the federal government is being deleted, it's getting less and less. I think these community resource management committees are very good, I think that's the way to go. They have community involvement and develop the resources in their area. That is a potential ally to the territorial government, and they could work with the territorial government but they need some funding for this area. So I think this government should look at that to see if they will be able to support them in that area. In the long run, you're looking at developing resources; and, is the government going to do this on its own? It's going to have to come from the communities, and who best to decide on which area to cut and what not to cut except for the people in the community.
Under economic development, there is a mining possibility in my constituency with San Andreas Resources having the Prairie Creek properties. It used to be the Cadillac Mine where they're doing some exploratory drilling again this year, and they're seeking funds to try to open up that area. They've been meeting with the people in the community to determine the type of support and type of work that they may have.
Unfortunately, during their process, they're using chemicals that are very harmful to the environment. They'll be putting them into a tailings pond and that is raising some concerns from different citizens in the community. The Prairie Creek runs into the South Nahanni, into the Liard, and joins the Mackenzie. So if you have any type of a major spill of arsenic, then you're into major problems with all the water systems down the valley. So this is a concern that has been expressed by me. Even though it's a mining possibility that could develop the economy in that area by providing jobs and business opportunities, on the one hand, there's the environmental protection concerns that we have to consider equally as well.
The other economic concern in my area is in the area of tourism. Tourism is a very good business for certain people in my constituency. The Nahanni National Park is placed in my constituency. The Great Falls, the beautiful mountain scenes and the river which people want to canoe down is a very big tourist draw. There are tourists from all over the world that come into my area to look at the sites and travel into the mountains, and there are an increasing number of people going into that area. The Nahanni Ram Tourism Association was just developing and they had a majority aboriginal board representing all the communities. They were just developing and getting into tourism in a big way when the Minister of Economic Development and Tourism and his department decided to change tourism funding by splitting the tourism association into two. Now this group of people is lumped into the west, along with all of these other high-powered business types. I'm afraid they might get swallowed up by the sharks.
There is a fear there; a fear of the unknown is what it is. But I'm sure that if everybody puts their heads together, there will be a way of solving the issue of tourism.
Whenever a person gets into a business, there is always the possibility of being successful or of failing and there are some businesses in my constituency who are in that situation. I just want to say that this department has to have more compassion and work with the citizens to help them recover from problems.
With regard to my position on the Standing Committee on Finance, first of all, I would like to thank the Minister of Finance, Mr. Pollard and his able right-hand man, Lew Voytilla, for all the work we've done together through the last three years. It has been quite a learning experience for me, as a MLA for Nahendeh coming from Fort Simpson and getting involved in the Legislative Assembly and the standing committee system. The predecessor to this position was Mr. John Todd, who moved on to become a Minister. He was the chairman of SCOF when we first started and he demonstrated his capabilities in dealing with a lot of the issues. It was good to work with him.
I would like to thank Mike Ballantyne, who's an old veteran who knows all the tricks of the trade, for all of his wise counsel in the Standing Committee on Finance. I would like to thank Mr. Charles Dent, another Member of the Standing Committee on Finance. Mr. Dent is a very well-informed MLA, a business person, and he's a very big asset to the Standing Committee on Finance. I would like to thank Henry Zoe who was on the committee from the Dogrib area. He has been an MLA before and knows how business is conducted in this committee. I would like to thank Mr. Dennis Patterson, a former Government Leader and Minister, who is also very wise in his work with this House. He has a lot of experience that he shares with us. Once he got into the Standing Committee on Finance, I think he finally realized how things work on this side of the House. After a little while, he really fit in well and it really was an asset to have him. Rebecca Mike is also on the committee, a former Minister, and she has a very good understanding of how things go on. She helped us in this committee. The newest Member was Manitok Thompson, who just joined us in this committee. For the few times we had meetings, she contributed and I would like to thank her for that.
I would like to thank the committee clerk, Doug Schauerte, for the support and work he did for the committee.
I think he did very good work. And I would like to thank the researcher we have now, Robert Slaven. He has done excellent work for us here. Mahsi.
The next item I wanted to mention was the transition document that the Standing Committee on Finance passed a motion in this House to have developed. The reason for that is, as we finish this government and complete this term, there are a lot of things on the table and a lot of work which has been done on certain issues. The transition document should demonstrate the different areas of transition so that whoever is in the House in the fall after November will have documents they can start from. Rather than starting from nothing, they will at least have something to look at and there will be a starting point for the next government. The Standing Committee on Finance will also be developing its own transition document on what we think are the important issues that the next government should deal with, as they take over.
In the area of deficit management, we have passed a motion in the House for the next government to follow certain guidelines. The idea here is we don't really want to use those guidelines, but they are there just in case we need them. We set the parameters on how the next government will work in the financial area.
In the Standing Committee on Finance meetings, we spent many long hours together whenever we had to go through the capital and O and M review process. Everybody from this committee really contributed well. We had many meetings on each department and it was a really gruelling process but we managed to survive, and we're at the tail-end of our term for that.
With regard to the capital that went into my area, in Wrigley the biggest expenditure was a little bridge that went across the Willow River and the finishing of the road into Wrigley. It was a big commitment by this government to finish the bridge and road. It means that we're a little further down in the valley and I guess the next step is to try to push the road further, past Wrigley, and into Fort Norman. That's what we'll have to achieve the next time around. This is still on the table and is something we have to work on.
Unfortunately, there have been cuts in the Transportation budget and about $1.5 million was cut out of a task that is really going to affect my constituency. It is for the maintenance of the road in my area. I spoke about it in the House previously, because I have a big concern about it. We have had good roads in the past, there were nothing wrong with them, but now with these cutbacks I'm very concerned that not this year, or next year, but maybe in the third year, we will see major deterioration. That will mean a major capital one-time expenditure to repair it to a good standard.
We have more and more tourists travelling on the highway system and they do the loop. That is, they come up through the Hay River, Enterprise area, to Yellowknife, Fort Simpson, and then down past Fort Liard and then hit the Alaska Highway. Many people do that when they travel to the north and we have been advertising it, which draws a lot of tourists up here. We say that we have very good roads and if our roads begin to deteriorate, we're going to be in serious trouble not only in repairing the roads, but also in drawing the tourists; we need to develop the tourism industry in the area.
I know the Minister has discussed with the Minister of BC, the problem out of Liard where the road that goes from the BC border to the Alaska Highway is in need of major repair. His counterpart in BC is responsible for the maintenance of that road, and if the Minister could meet with this Minister, perhaps the road could be upgraded. Another idea I raised earlier in my term was at the Alaska junction, north into the Northwest Territories, we have a big sign, but perhaps we could develop a tourist information centre at that spot run by people of the north and if arrangements could be made to lease a piece of property there and put up a structure there, we could catch the tourists going to Alaska. If you aren't aware of the turn-off, you miss it. There is only one sign. The idea is to try to draw more tourists into the area.
In the Wrigley area, the community was able to fix the roads. I would like to thank the Ministers of MACA and Transportation for that. I would like to recognize the chief, Chief Jim Lennie, and the council and elders. They work very hard to run their own community. That is one community that is run by chief and council. If you have ever been there, you know they run a good community and they have to be commended for that.
I would like to recognize the former chief, Gabe Hardisty, and the council that were there the last few years. They did very good work. We worked together very well to try to provide different programs and services in that community.
I would like to talk about Fort Liard. The chief is Harry Deneron and they have a council. Mr. Deneron is the driving force in Fort Liard that has been able to, during the years, help the community develop to the point where it is. He may have a lot of problems in the communities, however, he is a very positive force in that community. He has been able to draw economic development into that area. The Liard Valley Development Corporation, which has been in financial trouble in the past, is now slowly getting out of it. Different parts of the corporation are doing very well, especially Deh Cho Air, under the direction of the operator/manager, Rob Borrelli. In Ford Liard, you have a lot of dynamic people who are independent and they try to develop their community the way they would like to see it. In a community like that, everyone lives together in the community and the desire is to try to make life better for themselves and for everyone. There has to be a spirit of cooperation in areas where they have similar concerns. There is going to be a difference of opinion, but that shouldn't jeopardize the cooperation that exists there.
In the beautiful community of Nahanni Butte, at the mouth of the South Nahanni River, out of the Nahanni National Park, is a place where a lot of tourists go by when they canoe out of the park. There are quite a few people who do that. Now they have a new assembly building. I would like to thank the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs and the Department of Public Works and Services for this new building. It was opened last winter and the community council is utilizing that facility very well.
Now with the help of the NWT Development Corporation and ED&T, a new store has been developed. It is built and is going to have a store, hotel rooms, coffee shop, craft shop, a place to wash your clothes and shower facilities. This is a good thing for government employees or tourists who paddle out of the mountains. This is a very good opportunity for the people of Nahanni Butte.
Trout Lake has very industrial people. They have great fishing and are trying to utilize that. They are trying to fix up their fishing lodge. They have been doing that for many years now. There is some support from Economic Development and Tourism in this area. There is a combination new school/assembly hall that was jointly done, uniquely, with the Department of Education and MACA two years ago. It is a very successful building. The people enjoy the facility to its full extent with much appreciation to the government. Trout Lake is also experimenting with gardening. They still have that. They have been raising chickens, pigs and so forth. They are very industrious.
In Jean Marie River, they built a new school and they are currently building a road with the support of Transportation. I would like to thank the Minister of Transportation for the support in helping this community finish off the road. It isn't going to be finished this year, but most of it is going to be finished. Hopefully, it will be completed next year.
In Fort Simpson, presently Bompas Hall has been fully renovated. It was a unique project where a company from Yellowknife was involved and worked along with the band. A lot of local people worked with this program and the majority of workers were the community people. So the community really benefitted. It is almost completed now. Now the Thomas Simpson School is going to be renovated. Everything is being moved out and they are beginning to work on it. I hope the success that Bompas Hall experiences in building it and utilizing people from the community will stay on and be used for the other school. The work will be done by Clark Builders. I hope they use the example of the other building.
The Minister had committed himself for paving part of the road out of Fort Simpson. I would like to express my appreciation for that, as well the communities would like to express their appreciation for that. I worked for awhile with the village council in Fort Simpson, Ray Michaud, and the council, as well as Herb Norwegian, the band council and the Metis Nation office there.
Mr. Speaker, in closing, I just want to mention the fur issue. During my term in the Legislative Assembly, I had the opportunity to travel abroad. I know some of the Members kind of resented it, saying you always travelled. I always give an opportunity for other people to travel first. In this case, the way it worked was I was able to go to Europe to Strasbourg and Brussels to meet with Members of the European Parliament on four different occasions. It was a very good experience. One of the issue that concerns me very much is the whole area of trapping and the fur issue. A resolution was passed in the European Parliament to ban wild fur into Europe. Europe, being eight per cent consumers of wild fur, would have a direct negative impact on the trappers in the north.
As a result of that, I thought the best way to deal with it would be going directly to the source. The source is the European Parliament and that is one of the reasons I committed myself to being involved in the fur lobby in Europe.
Some of the other Members of the Legislative Assembly had the opportunity to travel there as well. I think I can say that we have to go to the source and deal with it. This issue isn't dead yet. This resolution will be coming into force January 1, 1996, when all wild furs will be banned from any European parliamentary countries. In the Northwest Territories, this government has spent over $2 million developing the quick kill trap, but this trap has not been approved yet. The International Standards Organization is supposed to approve these traps, but what if the ISO doesn't approve our trap that we spent $2 million on? Where are we? We're in a tough bind if that happens. So I think the government should be aware of that scenario, that we've put ourselves out on a limb.
But the work has to go on. There's going to be a lobby again this summer by some of the Members to go to Europe, I'm told, to try to deal with this issue. I support that lobbying trip. Those of you who are going, I wish you all the success and I give you all the support that you need in that area.
(Translation) I want to say a few things in my own language. There are a lot of elders in the Northwest Territories, men and women. They have been around for a long time. It's a very difficult time for them right now. The federal government has helped them out a lot with money. They get their pension: at the end of the month they get their bigger cheque, and at the middle of the month it's a smaller cheque. This is how they support themselves. However, when you really look at it, it's really not much to support yourself on.
There are some women's groups that help out the band councils and that support a lot of organizations in the communities. So I think they should be funded. However, if their funds are going to the band councils instead of to them, maybe the government should take a look at this funding again.
There are a lot of things that were negotiated with the government, which have now been reversed. There are situations where if a person gets paid a pension and they supplement their wages by trapping, they deduct some of the money they made on trapping.
There are lot of people who have to figure out their income and stuff but they don't know how to read or write, so they depend on other people to do their paperwork for them. I think if things were made a little easier for them, they would benefit.
There are a lot of small communities in the Northwest Territories, and there are a lot of resourceful people who are living in these communities. I think if a lot of them had an idea of how the government actually works, a lot of people would benefit from a lot of programs and in the ways the government works.
If you live in a remote community, I think the information should be given to the smaller communities better so they will be more aware of what's happening around them. If people get the training they need to support themselves, I think this would be a very good start.
There is something I want to say about forest fires. Last year in Fort Simpson, there was an elder who had his cabin burn down and a person's house that caught on fire. The way they tried to put out the fire with chemical powder; however, this didn't work. They have this vehicle that they pull down to the river and they get water from there, and this is how they tried to put the fire out. But even with all their efforts, the house eventually burned down.
A lot of them are asking questions. Before this kind of thing happens again they would like to get something in place to put the fires out. If a house catches on fire again and they have the proper equipment, the proper fire trucks and stuff like that, they could put out the fire before it gets out of hand. People have been asking for things like that and I think this should be looked at closer. There is a small tank there but it doesn't hold much water, so if a house catches on fire this water wouldn't be enough to put it out. To put out the fire manually takes a lot of time, so proper equipment is needed in that community.
If you look at government housing and schools; I think if one of those buildings ever burned down in that community, a lot of money would go down the drain with it. I think this is why the proper equipment should be given to this community.
I said I was going to talk for only a short while, but I've been talking for quite a while so I'll close for now. We've been sitting here for a long time, there are a lot of issues that we've dealt with. I would like to thank all the Members who are sitting here, and I would like to thank all the Ministers; the Clerks; all the people who do paperwork; and, the people who interpret for us. I would like to thank you all.
I like to speak my own language sometimes, but I speak in English a lot. But I prefer to speak my own language and I like to take advantage of it here because we have interpreters. Again, I would like to thank you. Sam, you're from Fort Providence. You are a former MLA and now you're our Speaker. I thank you for all the work that you've done for us. This is all I want to say and I thank you all very much.