Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege under Rule 20(1).
During question period yesterday, I responded to a number of questions relating to the consultation process for the development of a constitution for the western territory. At the time, I told Members that we would be conducting extensive consultation in the communities aimed at ensuring every citizen, who wishes to have input, would be given the opportunity to do so.
I also stated that, while we have not finalized the process that would be involved in this consultation, we would not only be taking forward the main options outlined in the Partners in a New Beginning document, but we also plan on presenting additional information on the other models of government discussed by the Constitutional Working Group.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today on a point of privilege on this matter because of how my comments were interpreted and reported in the news media. While reports on the CBC radio this morning stated accurately that we will be conducting extensive consultation, it was incorrectly reported that we would only be taking the one model forward.
To repeat my comments from yesterday, as reported on page 693 of the unedited Hansard, I stated:
"We have asked our officials to take a closer look at these two other models and come out with some information on those two. Yes, we hopefully will be bringing more information to these consultation meetings in relation to the other two models."
Mr. Speaker, as Members know, this is a sensitive and emotional issue for the people of the western territory. For that reason, I felt it was vital that I stand up today to repeat my remarks and confirm that we will indeed be taking more than one model forward in order to guarantee and generate a healthy and productive discussion.
Mr. Speaker, I state again, for the record, the intent of this public consultation process will be to gather additional input and ideas towards the development of a final model that we could then take forward to the citizens of the west for ratification and, eventually, as a recommendation to the federal government. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.
-- Applause